PC Half fixed - Whats my legal position?.

Anyway... Small update.

They have yet again told me that yet another issue has been found ( The 4th time this has happened )

So, I have now contacted ASUS themselves and explained the problem

They asked me for a run down on what has gone on, and I gave them one, including giving them my emails, copies of my chats on the phone and the repair quotes and receipts etc and they are stepping in.

The marson I have been speaking with at ASUS seems to be disturbed by what I have told him ( Could be just acting I dont know )

So, we shall see what goes on now?

I will not be too optimistic because I have a previous email from LetMeChargemore stating that it will be sorted and then it was not.
They messing you about, they have broke it. It's apparent from what you are telling us if this is 100% the true story. If it ever went to small claims court you would win.

I will try to make this small.

A few years ago, I bought my son a 125 motorbike. It was ina shop and it was in great condition, but it had been dropped and so the brake lever on the right hand and foot were bent. The tank was also scratched but thats fine. He wanted £1800 for it and so I said that I want a 12 month MOT for that! - He said yes and I paid him.

Now, it had gone a month and I asked him whats going on, and he saiod it needs a bearing for the MOT, then he said they sent the wrong bearing ( Front and ack are the same )
Anyway, this kept going on, and so I started to ask for my money back. He then said that he is having issues with the paperwork and so on, and it had gone to 7 months later ( yeah 7 months ) and he finally camr to the house and dropped off a bike... It was the same model but this was a bit of a crapper.

Anyway, 3 days later my son said he hates it, its wobbly.

I had a lok and sure enough, it was a death trap. I took it to the local Honda dealer, and asked the mto check it over and they condemned it as too dangerous to ride. They gave me a list of the things wrong with it, and they include all the bearings in teh wheels, and the headstock, both tyres were below legal limit, both discs were broken, the chain and both sprockets below legal limit the front sprocket was held on with a hair clip, and so on and on....

So, I contacted Small claims ( its cost me by the way ) and I sent them some paperwork for them to look through.

I also need to point out that every phone call I made in and out, is always recorded, so I also sent them the phone calls on MP3 and I have written a small program to get the texts out of the phone for myself and the shop and his mobile, so I had them too, showing that he had lied to me on every point and then what I got in the end was not even the bike that I bought and paid for, and we first got mitigation, and the guy advised that if we go to court, there is simply no way that he could win.

So, he had until JULY 4th to fix the bike and get it an MOT.

on the 5th of July, I used vehicle check and I saw that it had failed the MOT, so I phoned him up and I told him that its just failed so what is he going to do ,and once again he said that the MOT guy was not in and he will MOT it as soon as he can... I then said that I just saw it had failed!!! - he is nothing but a disgusting liar.

Anyway, a week latyer he phoned me and said it was done.

By this time, I had bought my son a new bike and I said to my mate, that he could have it for his son so both our lads could ride out together!

So, my mates son came with me and we picked the bike up...

The lad got lost somehow...

Turns out that he had only just managed to get about a mile down the road and it broke down.

He had gone to a friends house and they threw it into a van and brought it back to his home.

I checked it out and the electrics were crap, and the pin on the coil had corroded and it had snapped and so it was unable to run the bike.

Now, I took it to get it MOTed again for a giggle and it failed on almost everything.

I Decided to escalate the process to going to court and guess what happened?

Because he had given it an MOT ( Like I said... HE gave it an MOT ) they would not even take it to court... There was no notice on the form that he had to do all the repairs, but because he MOTed it, they said that he did his part, and I lost the case.

No, I never eve ngot it to court.

Even though, all I needed to do, was to have the judge making the decision, read the same info that the mediation guy had seen and it would have been a clear case of fraud.

I have since managed to find the guy who sold it to the shop, and he sold it for £100 - he bought it from his mate for £50 with the intention of gettign it on the road, but it would have cost so much that he didnt bother and so he sold it as spare parts knowing that it would NEVER be road Legal and he told the guy that.

So, the guy ghave it an illegal MOT too!

So the moral of this story is that just because its absolutely impossible to lose in court... You still might.
Simple letter, advising that you want the laptop back, either repaired as promised, or in the state you sent it to them within 14 days. If it's not repaired then with a full refund of any money you've already paid, as they've failed to fulfil their side of the contract, otherwise you will start legal proceedings against them. As Mrbell1984 has said, this seems pretty open & shut if it's an accurate account.

"I was unable to fix it as there seems to be no way to clear the CMOS and so I decided that I will send it off to see about getting it repaired.

They checked it over and on 27/04/2021, they gave me a quote for £295.55"

Was this "checked over" on the phone or did they have the laptop in their possession at the time? If they had it in their possession, then I can't see any reason why they wouldn't be able to accurately diagnose the issue, so I don't see that as an excuse.

Do they have anything in their T&Cs about length of time to repair? If not, I'd also be asking for some compensation for the loss of use during the 2 months they've now had it...

Yes, they did check it over and I said there is nothign wrong with the screen... They still went ahead and speaking one time they said its been scrapped and another time said they have not touched it, and another time saying they will replace it and the next time saying they will leave it off ?

Im no wiser if they have done anything at all to it?

And yes, they have had the Laptop this whole time.

And yes, I have already had a huge go at them for not diagnosing the error properly and that I am NOT paying for their inability to do their job.
More so, because I have already told them a number of times that its not the screen.
No it doesn’t.

Hopefully Asus sort it out for you as they should have done in the first place, OP.

Yes, I hope so. I have been talking to ASUS and they do seem to be helping me find out whats going on.

They have a copy of everything I have and so if the shop B/S them, then that might be something.

But either way, ASUS know that I am NOT happy and they could have course just fob me off, but I have a great many ASUS pperipherals and I have bee na fairly loyal customer of their stuff ( And others of course Ahem ) nut the fact still is, that over the years I have spend thousands on ASUS bits and as such I expect their repairs to be as good as their products.

As I have previously said... I only sent it to ASUS as I thought that they would be the BEST people to fix it... Had I known it was going to a shop of morons, I would have thought twice about it and just took it to the local idiots instead!

If its not dealt with to my complete satisfaction, I will be going to a few Magazines with this, and perhaps some ombudsman or ... Hell... I cant go to my MeP now can I?
Well, it looks interesting what has happened yesterday and/or today.

Armed with a copy of everythign I have about these LetMeRepair, ASUS have clearly stepped in.

The guy I have been speaking to has emailed me back and stated that the repair center has been told to fix my laptop, properly and correctly, and get it back to me ASAP.

So, providing everything goes well... I should have it back very soon.

Might have been nice to offer something for my troubles,but in truth, I just want the thing back now.
Annoyingly, the entire reasopn I thought I could trust Asus to repair it, was because it has been a fantastic rock solid machine. Sure, its not the fastest by any stretch, but I only use it for basic gaming and its more thqan fast enough for my needs there, plus its got upgradable Graphics and has 3 Hard disks, and tons of RAM and I have spent a few quid on it over the years, plus its keyboard is great for typing ( Another part I replaced on it )... So I love it.

I dont want to get rid of it just in case...

But the wife has also said the same thing...

Depends on its value I suppose?
Fingers crossed for you dude. Hopefully that's the end of the drama!

Thanks bud. Hopefully yes.

After all that I'd be pushing for the repair to have a year or two warrantee and then start talking about a goodwill gesture...

I was, ( if I am completely honest ), hoping that Asus would give me a new laptop as a good will gesture, but yeah, Im starting to think that the shop might just plonk it back together and give it me back as it is. They also said they have ditched the screen but then said they have not touched it and so I have had lie after lie from them, or at the very least conflicting mesages ( all provable as ASUS have it all too ) and so yea, they do offer a 3 month warranty on repairs, but to ask for a 12 month warranty as a gesture of good will, would not be out of order surely?
Oh my word!

Today has been one of the biggest eye-openers that I have EVER had!

The morons at LetMeRobUBlind phoned me up and we had 2 conversations...

First off, I was out on the Motorbike and I was with a few mates and so I might not get the exact order on how things happened, but this is the gist of it :-

They said that the Laptop has gone to the testers again, but I have an old version of windows on it and so they are putting on Windows 10
I then replied saying that it is NOT any version of Windows, I use Linux, that is my Linux Laptop.
The guy then said.. What is that?



He clearly assumed that I was running an old version of windows when I was not using ANY windows! - Total moron.

Anyway, I said does it start up now or not? If it starts up then thats all it was that was needed, but the guy then said that he needed to check something out and so can he call me back.

I said ok, but it does NOT need to be reinstalled and it certainly does not need Windows putting onto it, thats NOT what I asked ASUS to do! I then said that they are leavign all 3 hard drives in it are they not?
He then said that he will call me back shortly.

So yeah half an hour or so they did just that.

The guy said that there is only 2 ard disks... I said it has2x2TB plus an SSD. We agreed.

He then said that it does come on, but when it starts to boot, the display goes off. This is because whatever operating system I tried to put on, is not compatible with the Laptop.

I then told him that I have been using that laptop for about 8 years with this operating system and it works perfectly.

I then also pointed out, that he was supposed to have changed the Screen, then the Motherboard, and its supposed to have a brand new motherboard in it and it is clear to me, that if it is STILL doing the very same thing that I sent it to them for, then they cleaar have not replaced the sodding motherboard either have they?

I told them that they are nothing but disgusting liars and that I will be once again contacting ASUS.

( Like a total git that I am, I was also recording the AUDIO from BOTH phone calls and yes, I have sent the AUDIO to ASUS. )

Anyway, we are trying, or I am anyway, to come to an agreement. Since the install on that laptop is not vital, and all files etc are mainly copies from my Linux PC and any data is backed up anyway, I wont lose anything, and the guy said that in order to fully test the laptop they want to run certain software that requires Windows, and so I said they can do what the hell they liked, put anything they wanted onto it, I dont care, just get it sorted.

And here we are again.

They charge me for a Screen taht I did NOT need.
They charge me for the Motherboard that they say I have, but they are clearly using the same Motherboard.
I know the Serial numbers of the screen, and the Motherboard, I know the RAM Numbers and the Hard Disk numbers. The SSD and the 2 Hybrid HDs are under a year old and so the yhave loads of Warranty left in them, and so they better nort change, and the screen better be mine, or if not, then it better be brand new. And the Motherboard better not be mine ( although as its obvious now, they they have not changed the board either )

I am simply going to go absolutely nuts, and you can expect to see my story in the magazines the way I am feeling now.

I cannot wait to hear what ASUS say.

I am absolutedly sickened by such clear and obvious deceit and dishonesty.

Utterly sickened.
I hope you sent a link to their trustpilot page too, Asus shouldn't be dealing with people like that.

It's clear these cowboys have been pulling stunts like this for a long time, I imagine they've got away with it because most people can't be bothered with the hassle or simply don't understand what's going on. Good on you for pushing things as much as you have.

I will be doing yes, absolutely I will.

And as for me, I am sickened by it. I am fully aware that a busines sneeds to make money, thats what businesses do, and I am absolutely accepting that they can be flexible with the truth... To a point, I expect it in some ways, but what they are doing to me, has been a non stop catalog of absolute lies and downright shameful actions.

I am by no means as clever as many of the members here, but I can see B/S when I see it and I know enough to see when I see it, and if this is how they are with me, then they are clearly doing the same thing with everyone out there who puts their trust in them. Mislaid trust obviously.

I will be saying my piece but only ONCE I have my laptop back.. .They have held it hostage for this long and they could make things harder if they wanted to Iam sure, so until I get it back, Im playing it calm... Except the fowl language I used today on the phone was a tad salty I wont lie, but it was in a strong responce top some of the most obvviously stupid things that I was being told and anyone who even had a basic knowledge of computers would see how stupid he was being... Especially when I was pointing out some of the glaring issues he was spewing.
Yes, and to be fair, this laptop is a good few years old, but its been rock solid and I cannot fault it.

I am happy to pay a fair price and as its well out of warranty, I knew I would be paying... I would not have sent it off otherwise, and so I knew I would pay but right from the off, they were wrong and I knew they were wrong, but they have lied throughout the entire process and now, even after everything, he stil told me its doing the same thign as I sent it iin for... So why the hefty price for a new Mobo when it clearly has NOT had one.

They said its the scren charge him for a screen.
Then its the Mobo charge him for that.
The thing is, that the yhold you to ransom and they did try the something else is wrong after that but eve nthough I argued, I did get ASUS to intervene and Asus were miffed that they had charged me, and so that means that they cannot keep asking for more money and they have also now broken a mid-contract agreement, even though the ysaid they can keep charging, thats not legally acceptable, once they give you a quote and you pay, they are liable.

Sorry I keep going on, but this has got to me so much.

It eats me up inside.

I was talking to the guys in our club today about if just after I finished on the phone and a laod of them were saying lets go up there one day and the thing is... they absolutely would.

Especially today cos we wer doing a funeral run for a fellow biker so emotions are high!
What model asus rog is it?

I repaired a few laptops in my time and am absolutely baffled by how a screen, specially for an 8+ year old laptop could even come close to £300 inc labour!

Absolutely. Especially with ebay, you can find most screens or a cheap compatible for what? 80 to 120 give or take for most screens.
When they said it was the screen, and I was arguing it out, I had a look at the cost on ebay and they are going for £450 on ebay and so I kind of thought.. Hmmm...

I have alos done perhaps 35-40 screens and no, if they are going to cost sily money, I would tell the customer BEFORE hand.

9 times out of 10 they would ditch the thing and get new.

The model?

Its a G73SW

Now here is the kicker...

There is a reset button for the CMOS on teh bottom of that model Laptop... Not mine?

Ok ,so I opened mine up to get at the bottom of the motherboard, with the idea of simply drilling a tiny hole to get at the button.... Nope! there is no button?

Ah? So, remove the battery then? Where is the battery? There is no battery on this board to remove? So its it one of those soldered in Axial Capacitor style ones? Dunno?

Nothing obvious!

Turns out that there is a few variations of that model, and there is no way to easily clear the BIOS on it... This is also how I know that they have NOT replaced the Motherboard even though they said they have and I have already been charged for it... Because it is still doing EXACTLY what it did for me and thats why I asked ASUS if they will repair it.

uh yeah, don't do that, definitely make matters worse.

I'd actually be pushing for a free repair here, or get it sent to somewhere competent that Asus can authorise to handle it.

If they really needed to install windows to test anything then they should be able to disconnect your hard drives and connect one of their own for testing, they should not be messing around with customer hard drive data, especially if you haven't approved them to do that.

Also do highlight to Asus that they might want to look at why their authorised repairer feels the need to create lots of obviously fake 5* reviews.

Yeah, Im kind of thinking that they can give me a refund now, but they ( not asus ) are clearly looking for more excuses to keep on charging me. You could certianly tell by the tone I got from the git on the phone yesterday.

And yes, why do they want to wipe all my data just to put some tools on it? Youre spot on... Using their own HD would be vastly better of course, and having to keep reinstalling just makes more work for them anyway.

I saw the huge number of fake reviews and it was so obvious that its embarrassing... The legit ones are all 1 star and then there are thes 5 star ones, nothing in between.

I did write it but I decided not to publish and I even got am email shortly afterwards pointing to it and I clicked it and I got an OOPS! page, so thankfully it didnt post it.

I definitely will do when its done.

My purchases are almost always based upon the level of customer support I can expect to get, all companies have good and bad products so you just have to be careful with what you decide to pick up. Gigabyte and Zotac come to mind for having excellent UK based support, Zotac also offer the longest GPU warranty I'm aware of at 5 years if you're in the market for an Nvidia card. Given there's companies out there selling the same products at the same prices only offering 2 years, I lean toward the company with the proven track record that's got more faith in its own product. I'd never touch Asus, I've had issues myself and there's too many nightmare stories surrounding what many view as 'the' premium computer hardware brand.

Hope you get it sorted soon, every time you post an update about these guys they somehow manage to become more ridiculous.

Yes, I have always been happy With gigabyte stuff and other companies too if I am honest. The only company that has let me down is seagate.. I used to use ONLY seagate until every HD I sent off would come back with a CERTIFIED REPAIRED Label on.. .You can recognise those as they had the green band around the label. You would sometimes not get your HD back, and when I send off a HD thats a few days old and I get back someone elses HD, thats simply not good enough, and one, even two, I will let slide, but I have over a dozxen PCs and they all have multiple HDs in and when I got to half a dozen failures... That was me done.

My Hds are all currently Toshiba or WD ( Tosh are an unknown for me, but my main Windows PC has been running a couple for about 2 years now and its been rock solid so I am happy with Toshiba

I agree with the long warranty idea... I try to go for WD Black drives not only because they are much quicker, but they have a 5 year warranty as opposed to a 2 year one and sure, that does not guarantee your data, but it does guarantee you will have the drive for 5 years. Its just up to me to back things up and I do. I have yet to have a WD fail on me that has not had a good hammering throughout its life. They have died after being abused of course, but I mean under normal use, they have done their job well.

Again the Asus Laptop and indeed everything that I have thats Asus has been for the most part, great stuff. I cannot fault the stuff, not even that laptop, and I have been 100% happy with everything I have thats Asus made... But this.. This is a big problem for me, to know that if the worst does happen, they are using these disgraceful knobs to do any repairs and thats simply not a safety net that I am happy to have.
G73SW replacement screen is around £100 on ebay. Motherboard can be had for around £60.

Nearly every laptop I have repaired myself have been relatively easy to fix, and parts are often pretty easy to replace. More often than not the hardest part is getting into it in the first place as some require most of the thing to be in pieces before you can get to it's guts.

This is what your motherboard should look like if its rev 2.0, you can see the cmos battery on the left side.


No, thats NOT ONE bit like my Motherboard.

As I said, the base system Is indeed a G73SW however while EVERYWHERE I looked said the CMOS at the bottom and the battery etc etc etc... Mine had no battery like this, and it had no way to reset the CMOS.

I did ask ASUS for a diagram and I looked for one elsewhere and I could NOT find one for my specific motherboard.

I can for this and yes I have seen that very board, but my board is NOT that one. My board does not even remotely look anything like that. Mine has 4 RAM slots, the SD Card reader comes out on the side on that one, mine comes out at the front. As I said previously, I can get bits for the G73SW easy as pie, but for some annoying reason, mine does NOT seem to be the standard.

I know cos I have been inside it more times than the wife.

And no, there is no battery like in the picture and so thats why I thought it could be an axial cap type but nothing was obvious.

Please believe me when Isay that I have tried... I would not have sent it off if I hadnt have tried.

As for the screens, I have bought one but it did NOT fit. it did not even remotely get even close to fitting.

At the time, the cheapest screen that WAS the same as mine, was £450

I have been looking since and I found a couple at just over £290 but the others ARE NOT THE SAME AS MINE WAS. Again, I bought one and its sat here doing nothing cos it does not fit in the case, even though its a G73SW screen.
See this is where you are going wrong, after that short a time you should be dealing with the retailer and not Seagate, the retailer will have to swap for new, Seagate wont as you don't have any contract with them over what they offer which is a repair or replacement.

Ok I should have made things clearer... I have stopped now, cos the wife has forced me to, but at the time, Iwas buying PCs parts left right and center, sometimes I would buy from 3 or 4 different supliers in the same day for bits that I simply changed my mind over and sometimes I would buy bits just for the hell of it... I went throug ha severely mental phaze and at one time I spend over £16000 in just two days.

That sounds a lot, and it absolutely is, but thats what I did.
It has stopped now.

I still own over a dozen PCs, 2 massive servers, and I could go on, but you already dont believe me, so I wont continue.

I will grant you that a few days is a bit iffy, but certainly, a few weeks or so. So, it was simply easier to go to the seagate site and check the warranty and do it that way, rather than go looking for what I bought and from where.

Once something is out of warranty, I fix it myself, if your that way inclined, otherwise imho its a complete waste of money to get someone else to do it unless of course it had good enough reason to warrant repair.

I had 3 laptops given to me by my brothers gf, they were knackered and needed repair (keyboards/screens/batteries) About £150 in parts and a couple hours and I had 3 working laptops which I sold for £450 a piece, they were nearly 3k each new.

Again, you are missing the point.

I have said in a previous post more than once, that I was tryign to fix it myself, but I seemed to somehow unlock some extra stuff in the BIOS that I have NEVER seen before.

Then the screen would simply keep going black until it completely locked me out.

I then looked for the info for the CMOS, found that this model usually has a small hole for the CMOS reset... Mine did not.
So, I opened mine up as I have done a hundred times, but now I took the Motherboard out completely and found no cmos battery and no obvious way to reset the CMOS. I contacted ASUS and I looked through google for any info on the board and what I did find was NOT what this board was.

I then started to question if it was a G73SW at all because everyhtin I was reading and getting was NOT about this board at all.

This was then, that I decided to ask ASUS if they would sort it for me.

They then sent it to those morons in kilbride or wherever they are located to fix it, when I never asked for ASus to do that, and its all gone down hill from then on!
For what it is worth, I used to own my own PC repairs business and I was very good at it.

However some years ago, I was involved in a massive accident that left me permanently disabled and mentally messed up.

After the accident, we had lost of problems as my money was in my bank and the wife was completely unable to get at any of my money and so while bills were still covered fine, we had no money for food and other basics and the bank were not helping because I was in a coma in Stoke while my wife was sstruggling not having access to my money and so she decided to sell the business to the guys I had taken on.

She was robbed might I add, but she was desperate. I dont blame her, imagine her fury at having thousands in your husbands bant and the bank not letting you get at it?

Anyway, she sold it and she got the money to her.

I have had to relearn a lot of things and I get very confused very easily, and I have little use of one hand.

Now, the accident was clearly not my fault and I got a nice payout. a ridiculously nice payout. I bought a new 5 bedroom 3 toilet house, with living room dining room lolunge and computer room, I own a harley trike and a boom trike and I have bought both my brother and sister a house each, paid off my parents mortgate and got my 3 kids through university and I have a very comfortable life now and never need to work again. But the price I am paying is that sometimes I wake up not knowing where I am and sometimes I forget what I am doing when I am in the middle of it.

My only loves are motorbikes, music, and computers, and sometimes I just forget what I am doing.

When I am on the ball, I am good, but that happens once of twice a week if I am lucky, the rest of the time I am as they say, winging it.

So yes, I know, or normally know exaclt what to do with computers, and I have repaired more laptops than I have eaten hot dinners, but sometimes I cannot get it right and so I sent this off in the hope that ASUS will be the best people to fix it. I only wanted them to clear the BIOS for me or tell me what the hell to do with it.

I never knew that they would send it off to some plonkers in a shop that would be holding my laptop hostage. Plus I like the laptop is comfortable and its never let me down. Its not my main laptop but its my main Linux Laptop.

So I know my mistakes.
Ok, well yesterday I got another email telling me that the machine is done and is going to the testing stage.

I replied to that with saying its not the first time they have said it and its not the second, third, fourth or fifth time either, however, I decided to not post it.

Anyway, possibly just as well, I have earlier today ( its gone midnight so I am a day out.. Earlier yesterday ) I got another email informing me that I will be getting it back on Monday the 29th by DPD and they provided me with a tracking number ( That I just realiosed I have not check it out - knowing how things have gone, that could be fake too ).

I await to find out if they have still used my motherboard, or they have swapped it and if its new or used?, same with the screen. its the original scren but its absolutely crystal clear and has no defects at all.

Considering they have in their own words SCRAPPED mine... it might be interesting to see if the serial numbers all match up!

Once its here, if its not working 100% perfectly, then I will be raising holy hell... If it is working 100% then I will be happier, but the dammage has been done now.

I will be opening it up and I wil be verifying what they have actually done and what parts are different, and either way, Asus will be gtting a seriously rotten Letter and the Morons at letmefleeceyou will have a nice colourful review thats for sure!

But anyway, I know I have just waffled and spewed my usual crud on here, but its been great, if only for venmting my frudtration and anger out I suppose!

Thanks for the support guys, I genuinely appreciate every bit of it.
You seem to be VERY focused on this issue to the point it is causing you serious stress - recording conversations, lengthy, sometimes incoherent posts etc.

Absolutely, but its part of my mental issues I think.

  • Refund
  • Get it returned and repair it yourself
  • Stop bombarding the company with call/email and wait to see what they come back with?
  • Write it off and move on with your life

The whole issue was when I tried to repair it myself.
Even though info on the web, clearly shows how to reset the CMOC though a hole in the bottom of the case... This case has no hole?
So I got the board out to get at the button manually? - No button?
So, take the Battery out for a bit ... No battery? - on either side of the board!

I contacted ASUS and asked or a wiring Diagram, or if they could just tell me how to reset the BIOS, but they said send it to us

So I did.

I never once thought that they would be sending it on to another third party!- Had I know that right from the start, I would Never have snet it or gone through ANY of this stupidity

I could write it off, absolutely I could, but be honest with yourself, would you, knowing that all it needed was the BIOS resetting, and you have spent hundreds on upgrading it and its cost you over £1500 in total.. No, you would try to get it fixed and thats all I did, but these scum held me to ransom.

Oh, and I never once bombarded them with a single thing. I did reply when they contacted me, but not once did I write an email that was not crystal clear, and to the point.

It was them that kept hassling me if anything!

I hope you get this resolved, but this issue seems to be taking over your life and you are letting it negatively affect you.

Oh I fully accept that it has affected me. But thankfully when Asus got the info I had, they clearly jumped in and sorted it out.
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It does seem like a lot of stress and upset on what is really quite an old laptop that’s not really worth it. Treat yourself to a nice new one and never use this company again. Sometimes it’s just not worth the stress and agro...

Thats what the missus said.

I have half a dozen other Laptops here, 3 of them are vastly newer and better than this one, but thats not the point.

I dont like it when nasty companies like this lie like hell. I kept going because these dirty slimeballs need to know that thety cannot do what they do.

Plus... Im bored.
Ok I will give you one last final update on how things have gone.

Since I contacted Asus, and once I had told then that I have paid some money, they were clearly upset by this. They then contacted the shop and told them to get it done, and stop billing me.

So, since then, I have had no more bills.

A few days ago, I had an email teling me that DPD will be delivering it on Monday the 29th. Turns out that they picked it up from the shop on monday, I still had to wait till the next day.

Tuesday, I got the parcel and had a quick look, and a check up of it and I find a few things were niggling me. They did indeed wipe all 3 hard drives. Annoying, but its a Laptop that I take out with me and so its all backed up anyway, but the point being they wiped it all. I do wonder why the hell they would wipe all 3 drives? What do they truly need to do that for?

Anyway, the screen seem perfect, I cannot be arsed checking that, I am assuming that its my screen they put back, so another lie there.

The Motherboard however IS my motherboard. So again they charged me for a new board and yet here we are?

Anyway, its working now so I am now done with Asus and I will NEVER waste my time with those ever again.

Now on tuesday afternoon, I get a text telling me "AS REQUESTED, THE DELIVERY DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THURSDAY THE 2ND"

I requested no such change of date, but as I have my laptop back, I ignored it.

Today DPD arrived to collect it.


I explained what was going on and the guy was clearly under the impression that I was messing him about, but hey ho!


I will also give another point to also help show why I was so determined to get this sorted..
Another previous Laptop I have, I had a few issues about 2 weeks after owning it with the power button.
Over time it got worse and worse and a few times, I think 3 or 4, I contacted them to ask about it, but they said it is a design feature every time
Then after some time it failed complketely, and when I opened it up, I couls short the buttons wires and it would start up just fine.

I send that back and they said it was out of warranty and then they tried to say that the ywill have to send the board to the manufacturers and they then said that it will need a new board at £399.

now, I contacted the same place but through the web chat service and I said to the guy that I was told it was a design feature and he looked at the notes and it sais clearly that they told me on a few times that it was a design feaute and he said no it was not.

Turns out that they were luing to me right from the off, but the lad said that its not on and that he would help me.

a few days later I get a letter informing me that they appologise for the miscommunication and that my Laptop will arrive in the next few days.

It did, and it was brand new and ran a charm.

They obviousl; realized that the had bitten off too much.

And thirdly, I let me son use one of my old I7 laptops and he hjas dropped it and broken the corner, so I am sickened by that as he is denying it.
In honestly No, I have always been happy with Asus and Asus themselves are fine.
They did step in when I gave them the info on just what had been done to me, and it was sorted out.

I have to be honest there, but, these are the face of Asus and the treatment and lies that I have had from there, has completely turned me off them.

Reading about people that have had issues wit brand new products with these people are also a big factor and I am not willing to risk paying out a load of money unless I feel 100% confident that they will sort t hings out to their best ability.
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