PC Half fixed - Whats my legal position?.

Asus might be an alright company but no way am I buying anything from them if these clowns are their service centre.

No one ever finds out this stuff until things go wrong hence why most people don't have negative experiences. You plug something in, it works, you're happy.

I have had this laptop for years without a hitch and I love it. I have had better ( and worse ) come and go, but this has been riock solid from day 1
But then I try to fix it, and I get nothing but hitting brick alls and all I wanted to do was something as stupidly simple, as clear the BIOS.

I have bought plenty of ASUS stuff and 9 times out of 10 when it is out of warranty, I just get rid, but then again... I have a mate who has just had issues with his Threadripper Mobo and he has justy sent that off to get looked at ... It's only 4 months old and yet I have the same board.
I also have another Asus that I am using that works 100% great until you try using a faster GFX card in it ... Nvidia goes flickery and ATI just goes nutys and gives a green screen and makes a horrible whineing / buzzing sound, but it will run great for a random amount of time until that happens... What do I do there? I just accepted it and I{ use one of my old ATI 7770 cards and its flawless with that.

I know you should probably walk away now, but i'd be very inclined to send a final e-mail to Asus asking them to investigate whats been actually done to repair this & what you've actually been charged for - put it in their court and ask for them to sort out a proper resolution - if they've been ok to talk to give them a chance to make it right especially if you have matching serial numbers with what you sent off.

Already did that but I got nothing back. Im not chacing it up now though cos I got it back and I am just happy that I did.
Im looking at the fact that I have paid out £340 and there is simply no way that I would be able to buy a laptop this good at that price.
So, I am looking at the positives now, more than the negatives. ( At last )

I'd be interested to see what happens if you drop a little Trustpilot review with a brief summary and a link to this thread. I've consistently found that nowadays customer services miraculously improves when it's in the public eye as opposed to behind closed doors.

Ah, yes, I did do one, but removed it.

Now I have it back and its all finished with... I will do one.

It does have a 3 month warranty on their repairs, so I am half thinking... Is it worth all of this hassle again?
The plain and simple answer is, clearly that I now know that the waranty simply means Jax-hit, and if anything they will turn around and try telling me that the cause was simply XYZ when we know for a fact, and after all the argueing, that it was ABC as I told them right from the start, but they will no doubt hold the laptop hostage until I pay for something they inevitably wont fix either... Again.

So, no, I wont bother wasting my time with these bozos again, I have learned my lesson both from personal experience, and from other horrors stories both on here ( Thansk guys ) and from other places that 1have had horror stories about Asus repairs, and so I wont feel at all guilty about speaking my mind.
Im just done with it all mate.
I posted my piece and I have tickedf the let the gits know I dont it and I shall see what happens.
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