PC Nostalgia (Pick a moment in time)

I wouldn't go back too far. When Fallout 3 was released and people were rocking Q6600's and 4GB of DDR2.
Not sure if I posted but I'd go back to the day I got 512k ADSL.
The sacred day my phone bills dissapeared and I became an LPB god gamer.
Not sure if I posted but I'd go back to the day I got 512k ADSL.
The sacred day my phone bills dissapeared and I became an LPB god gamer.

LPB! I'd forgotten all about that acronym :D Yeah, i remember i got my dad to sign up for adsl as soon as it was announced. We got the bt one (that was probably the only one available?) for 39.99 a month. I was playing quite a lot of quake 3 at that time - was amazing to see a ping of 30 or 40 ms :D
opening my pc case and opening my bedroom window on a freezing winter's night just so i could overclock my ati 1900xt a little bit more and get a higher 3dmark score :D
I used to play a game called Rally Championship Extreme through Gamespy, there was only about 15 people that played it regularly...knew every shortcut, so you'd go flying off the track at random places barrelling through the grass and come back on to the track further down

I only had 128k ISDN then, about 2003 I think...can't remember if it actualy charged you for 2x phone calls at once or if it was a free number but high ISP charge!
Not sure if I posted but I'd go back to the day I got 512k ADSL.
The sacred day my phone bills dissapeared and I became an LPB god gamer.

Probably this for me as well, ADSL 512k was the one, decent speeds and the internet not overloaded with complete and utter idiots posting on social media about their food. good days lol
There were two periods for me, late 90s and early 2000s and they centred around two games: Air Attack and the original CounterStrike.

I was in an Air Attack clan called TKFM (The Kung Fu Monks) and then various CS clans.

AA got me into online gaming and then CS became much more of a social game with real-world friends.

Those were the days.
I think the first proper PC I had in the late 90's was a gateway. No idea on the specs as my dad bought it for a work PC, but I do remember it came with a bundle of games that basically got me hooked on PC games until about a few years ago.

Think the bundle included:
Wargasm - What an epic game, looks terrible looking back at it now, but flying jets and helicopters around used to keep me occupied for hours
Half Life - Legitimately scared the crap out of me being a 7/8 year old.
NFS 3 Hot Pursuit - First game I got to try a steering wheel/pedal set on and had me hooked on racing and cars ever since
Rollcage - Best arcade racer ever. Don't know why this never get revamped, the concept for the cars was so simple yet so good

Not sure I would class the above as the "best" gaming period for me, but it was one hell of an opener to the PC world.
Playing the likes of Quake 2, Action Quake 2, and later Quake 3, Unreal Tournament etc was epic times. I have real fond memories of that time. I did a huge stint of Ultima Online as well around that time. What I miss most about gaming in the late 90s and early 2000s is the community feeling you'd get in game forums and servers etc. You'd end up running into the same people over and over and the banter was funny :D

Now gaming feels so much more sprawled out and "disconnected".

Also remember playing Tactical Ops (mod for UT) and a lot of CS at the time (started with BETA 7.1). Also the obligatory Half Life and, how can I forget, STARCRAFT!
+1 for community back in the day. Friendly rivalries built up where you'd bump into the same people quite often. Mechwarrior 4 was some of the most fun gaming I ever did on the zone.
Easily 1999/2000. I had my vodoo 3 graphics card, playing quake 3, soldier of fortune, elite force, counterstrike daaamn those were the days.
My favourite time was probably the 1999-2006 era because for me it was pretty much a LANparty every other week. All those hours spent playing Total Annihilation, Multi Theft Auto, Quake II, Quake III, Team Fortress, Halo, et all <3
2000 was a great time, probably my best summer ever, I finished school and it was fairly early around April/May and nothing to do until College in September. So I spent months playing AVP on mplayer, anyone remember mplayer? and using it as a social platform, I met some amazing people on there. Then my brother heard of this mod for Half-Life called Counter-Strike.
Crimson Skies

just a few we played when we all crammed together in a small room and
well overloaded the sockets..

Quantum Fireball, best name ever fo a pc device lol.

Crimson skies was good fun.. Also on the zone!

Quantum fireball was a hard drive right? I had two in a rig but can't remember capacity. I have a feeling this was back when 128MB RAM was considered loads!
When I got my first PC in 1997 and fired up a demo CD I got with it that had Duke nukem 3d and terminal velocity. Games like Full throttle with videos that never existed on hardware I owned before (an Amiga and some consoles)
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