PC Nostalgia (Pick a moment in time)

2001 (pretty late on given how much earlier I had started gaming) by this time I was a proper grown up and should have been spending my time doing other more productive stuff instead :p. This was the year that I was still playing Ultima Online and was also the year of Anarchy Online, Battletech 3025, LAN games (CS, UT) and my old faithful Diamond Supramax 56k modem.


I'm still Peter Pan. Or at least try to be.
Austin Flowers rings a bell, Kainz... my old addled brain isn't what it was. I started out with a couple, but ended up mainly as Iseult (When hanging out at BB then you should wear your silly hat):

Austin Flowers rings a bell, Kainz... my old addled brain isn't what it was. I started out with a couple, but ended up mainly as Iseult (When hanging out at BB then you should wear your silly hat):

Hmm the name definately rings a bell too. I used to hang out at BB just to chill and play 'spot the newbie'. Forgot to mention I also had a treasure hunter by the name of Indiana Jones. Spent most of my time unlocking chests for loot though! Here's my main char logging onto Europa in 2015 and discovering it dead.
I remember having a LAN match with a couple of friends years ago. Friend 1 fancied himself quite the tactician and rather smugly suggested C&C Red Alert. Friend 2 chose to play Allied and built a swarm of the really cheap and fast light tanks and tankrushed Friend 1 who dicked around for a minute or 2 finding a tactically optimum location for his base.
Austin Flowers rings a bell, Kainz... my old addled brain isn't what it was. I started out with a couple, but ended up mainly as Iseult (When hanging out at BB then you should wear your silly hat):


Looks like David Bowie...
Probably around the BF2 / HL2 days. Those were golden days for me, limited money for upgrades etc but still managed to have a great time. Now more money to buy whatever hardware I want but the spark has gone but not quite fizzled out. I'm still a die hard PC gamer ... when I get time :rolleyes:
Getting my first gpu (ati 9600 xt 256mb) and playing my first ever pc game (Far Cry) and being blown away.

Edit: infact scratch that, i'd go back to when Bf2 just came out.

We won't be the only ones, a special time for PC gaming indeed.

Oh and I also had a 9600xt those were the much earlier days but I peaked around BF2 times.
Probably around the BF2 / HL2 days. Those were golden days for me, limited money for upgrades etc but still managed to have a great time. Now more money to buy whatever hardware I want but the spark has gone but not quite fizzled out. I'm still a die hard PC gamer ... when I get time :rolleyes:
For me no game has come close to BF2.
It was incredible, with a brilliant ranking system. I used to play knife just to get the bronze badge.
For me no game has come close to BF2.
It was incredible, with a brilliant ranking system. I used to play knife just to get the bronze badge.

I remember when the gulf of oman demo came out on gamespot as an exclusive, I was so bloody hyped I paid extra for faster server access to download it (it was around 500mb) all servers were full so I subscribed just to get access to the faster download does anyone remember that?!!

Such amazing times spending hours upon hours on oman, karkand etc. It's almost kind of sad to think back but as some people have said that's when I had the most free time for myself and PC gaming was evolving and getting exciting for me with new age next gen components coming out etc etc
I played it the other day and still had a great time on revive! Floods of memories coming back, the gameplay is still there but it doesn't wow me anymore obviously as we have moved on a great deal..
I just couldn't get my details correct upon log in.
Are the servers still live?

There were plenty the other week I was on, was playing for a good couple of hours. It's kind of weird playing now as the games seem 'quiet' compared to so much going on in the newer battlefields etc if that makes sense.
Oh the days! Remember Kazzaaa aswell. May have got the name wrong! So many viruses trying to download a simple track :D

Kazaa. I remember when they went down someone changed the protocol on the network effectively pulling the plug on them. RIP.

Early 80's playing Manic Minor on my ZX Spectrum, epic.

Repton 3, Elite, Exile BBC Master 128k.

Yeah the room on the far left of the mansion, even if you poke bugged that room it didn't lead anywhere, utterly amazing game though and I agree with you about the moon transition phase! :eek:

Careful, according to most folk around here you're too old to know how to use a computer properly despite the fact you've probably forgotten more about them then they currently know.
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