PC Nostalgia (Pick a moment in time)

Yeah, I wouldn't go back. They were simply experiences back then. Some were a real pain in the ass.

Remember when most game devices were serial port?
Haha, I used to think Kate Russell was well fit back then.
Probably late 90's and Win98 when you could still run all the old DOS games fairly easily, there were plenty of military flight sims/space games and 3DFX was in full swing replacing simple graphics with something more lifelike.
Cyrix 686 with 256MB ram, yumcha CDROM, and a 1.2GB hard drive. But it was more than enough to play Diablo, and I still remember the thrill of those opening scenes!

Amiga and SNES days for me, and early PC

many hours with friends playing Super Cars II on the Amiga, and i remember walking round to a mates house to play SFII Turbo, TMHT, Striker, Mario Kart and MK II
early PC LAN, DOOM 2
Half life 2, and the first release of steam felt like game changers for me. Had to upgrade the graphics card in my dell to play it. Good times.
Half life 2, and the first release of steam felt like game changers for me. Had to upgrade the graphics card in my dell to play it. Good times.

I remember everybody nearly hated Steam. Then it was Origin's time for the hate.
I remember everybody nearly hated Steam. Then it was Origin's time for the hate.
Oh yeah, it was crap on first release(in fact, I was like what is this extra rubbish I've got to install to play hl2), but I could see where they were going with it. And saw what potential it did have in the future.
Another one I'd like to add is January 2002 for MOHAA. That first time I stormed the beach at Omaha was an incredible moment, as I had not seen anything come close to that in any other game before. Spearhead was even better too.
Late 90's. Quake 2 CTF. My god I loved that game. Give me a Q2 railgun over any other game weapon. Give me the excitement of just getting ISDN and the freedom of not being married with kids so I could spend 6 hours a day playing it.
oh yes Quake2 ctf, easy best gaming erm...few years :) hours a day, met some fun people. would love to reinstall it and take a look now! but have a mac and need a 'hobby pc' one day :)
Thanks guys so many memories in your posts.

I remember just getting dial up and a decent connection circa 2000 and playing MOHAA, this was quickly followed by 2MB broadband the same year and I started gaming online with a team called www.kronos1.org

We played in clanbase Moh:AA leagues and the orginal COD. I still have screenies of the two teams lined up on the Bridge in MOH:AA for a post game photoshoot.

Even went to High Wycombe for the only get together we had before over zealous members split.

The forums still contain posts from the heady post split days.

Gaming was online and to this day all my gaming time is spent online with others.
Picture of my desk back in the early 200's, used to LOVE playing Q3 Arena and Runescape classic... Best time for my PC days EVER

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