A couple of years ago, we had thunder and lightening here in NI, the storm passed right over my house (and a few neighbours), I had always the practice of pulling the power plugs and phone cables out, this time I managed to get my computer (and accompaning parts), modem, 1 phone and TV/DVD/aerial removed, but I didn't for some reason pull the second phone (radio type) out of either the power socket of phone socket.
When the storm passed over the house, lightening struck it, the trip switches went but before that went (for some reason) some fuses up in the loft for part of the house, also burn't out, and also the radio phone that I did not disconnect.
One of my neighbours was not so lucky, their computer, TV/DVD, everything got literally fried (as they didn't disconnect anything), many of their electrical/phone cables were also fried, they were also very lucky that their house did not go on fire.
Another neighbour's phone was blown out of the phone socket and across the room.
I have both my computers on Surge Protectors and UPSs, but as soon as I hear thunder getting near the house I begin disconnecting electrical appliances.