PDZ0 rant

20 Apr 2004
Ok, this was inspired from the DOA4 rant thread.

I got this game after I finished COD2; I'd read some goodish reviews and knew it had it's faults but I fancied another game and saw it for £32.

I come from this with the stance that I want to like it, afterall I've payed for it, and I've liked every other 360 game I've owned (yes even Kong).

Now, where do I start.

Atm, I'd personally give this game 2 out of 10. I can't stand it. Yet I still think I'll grow to like it. Now I need some feedback / help from someone whose played and liked the game.

I cannot get used to the controls. Now, I've finished COD2 on veteran (with auto aim off) so I know a good control system can be done. The controls on this however feel clumbsy and not in synch whatever I change in options. I've tried every sensitivity but still always come up short when I try and aim. I kind of feel disconnected and I end up strafing onto targets because it's 1000% easier than aiming.

Next, the game. Level 1 took me 4 goes. Not because I died, but because I couldn't figure out what to do. This is criminal. It took me 3 goes and a trip to the xbox forums to figure out that deploying the laptop gun as a sentry involved getting a new gun off the wall behind you. (search the forums, I'm really not the only one who got stuck). Then I run out into the courtyard at the top of the lift and get attacked, am I supposed to hide, can I shoot the ships shooting me? With grendade?, if so how? I still have no idea what was going on tbh, not an inkling of what I was supposed to be doing.

Level 2, I've had 8 starts to the level now and I've finally given up in disgust, again not because I keep dying. I'm just confused, totally confused. Is the radioscope supposed to automatically drop from their faces to their feet when I click target on a zoomed in face? Are the two guys at the start there to be shot, or sneaked past? Cause there's no way in hell I can sneak past the first one? Every person I target with the radioscope to identify comes back not-identified, am I supposed to zoom in to a certain range, does it have to be from the front? Sneaking? - is it sound based like in Thief, do light & shadows play a part or is just whether I'm behind crates? Basically, someone give me a clue, just a starter is all I'm asking.

I'm totally baffled by this game. I don't think I've played a game this counter intuitive for, well ever.

Just had to get some of this off my chest.
Without meaning to be insulting but are you kidding? I've got to level 11 on secret agent so far while only having to replay a few of the later levels. PDZ is very like the origonal PD, you dont get everything handed too you and you have to work a lot out for yourself. Saying that, the levels are all pretty linear and the puzzles are all fairly simple, I honestly dont understand where you could be getting stuck.
Using the bits you mentioned:
The laptop gun isn't needed, but if in doubt about its second function, it tells you in the manual and loading screen.
Can you shoot the ships? Why not just try it and find out, fire at the engines and they go away after about 30 shots on target.
In level 2 you kill the guy at the start, after that you can sneak around for almost the entire level. If you zoom with the radio scope into the enforcers (guys that show up in green, they have spas12 shotguns) then it should auto lock on to them when you are close enough.
Regarding the controlls, I found I had to put the sensitivity up a fair bit, but you are right it doesn't feel quite right. Using the zoom/bring to sight function is a big help with most guns. Using the attack from cover is also a very big part of the game on the harder difficulty modes.

All in all I dont know how you could be getting confused, the game doesn't lay it all out for you but its also not exactly a brain teaser.
I'm not too sure about this game either. Didn't have any problems with the first level, didn't need to deploy any guns though?

The second level was a bit messy imo. I shot the first guy with a silenced shot, and snuck up to a point where you can use the audio scope (yes it is meant to drop, it auto aims). After that I snuck up to the club, started the fire alarm etc. Problem is, when you get into the club a whole load of ppl run into the room from the outside, and the ppl inside are shooting at you - meaning u get shot from all over the place. The rest of the level basically involved quick shots in the right place.

I did have a quick Deathmatch game last night with bots, and it seemed really quite good. I'm hoping the single player improves, the first training level was pretty cool, but the second level was dire. You need stealth to get the audio scope in, but shooting is forced upon you later. Having said that I did find a door with a padlock you can go through, foolishly I went through the front door instead. Might play that level again :)
I'm quite enjoying playing through it, got it Friday Night and doing a couple of missions each night i'm now on Mission 5 - I do feel what your saying about straffing onto enemies rather than aiming onto them. Though I have nothing to compare it to, this is the first FPS i've played on a console.

The one thing that bugs me about PDZ the most is the image tearing, Not noticed it on any other game but it is noticeable on this.
Well for starters, the manual and the info on the loading screens does say that the laptop gun can be deployed into a sentry gun. Granted it had me baffled at first, but in fairness to the game it does say it. But I know what you mean, been there, done that, agree with ya.

At the end of level 1, top of the lift, yep I too went straight into the open, guns-a-blazing, got mowed down a few times before I realised that the "cover" option is actually a damn fine feature of this game. If you try straffing from left to right/right to left, then you will get shot, the Cover feature though is a godsend and definately a much needed part of the game.

Level2: LOL - agree again, the radioscope does highlight the dude in green, but it does drop off the screen when you're recording. Don't ask me why, bug, feature, dunno! Again in fairness to the game though, it does specifically tell you to avoid contact at all costs, so in answer to your question (and a none-spoiling tip) - don't shoot them until you've used them ;) The people you're meant to record are quite distinquishable, so again, you'll get to know who to record once you've done one ;)

I gotta say, when I bought the game I was kinda disappointed, but stuck with it. I hear reports of people comparing it to No One Lives Forever type games, and I guess they're right. Some of the levels are absolute tosh, the Jungle been one of them, as is the temple part, but some of the levels are actually pretty interesting.

The only thing I will say, and I stand by it, is the harder the mission, this game comes into a new genre. The guns-a-blazing gets thrown out of the window, a lot of stealth comes into play and whilst it's no where near as good as COD2, I actually think it's a much much better game on the more difficult settings.

I'm sure the environment plays a part in the game. I know on later levels there are cameras, you get spotted, guards are alerted. The silencer on the pistol, if not used, does alert guards, as do explosions and running around. I know in my past experience too that a guard will alert others if it comes across a body. I've read some people say they've moved the body and hidden it - How I've no idea, but some are saying it can be done.

I think Rare tried to make this game a real good FPS, failed, and turned it into a comedy(ish) kinda game. Shame really 'cos there are some really good moments (like the hovercraft thing which you'll see). The last level boss is as easy as pie to master, but it does have some nice features.

So yeah mate, not the best game I grant you, but it's definately more fun on the higher levels of hardness.
Psycrow said:
Can you shoot the ships? Why not just try it and find out, fire at the engines and they go away after about 30 shots on target.

I did fire on the ships for a while; they'd disappear for a few secs then come back. I'll be more persistent next time.

Psycrow said:
In level 2 you kill the guy at the start, after that you can sneak around for almost the entire level. If you zoom with the radio scope into the enforcers (guys that show up in green, they have spas12 shotguns) then it should auto lock on to them when you are close enough.

Ahh, I figured out to shoot the guy at the front with the silenced gun, but then as I got a bollo... err, telling off for making too much noise etc. I figured I was going about it the wrong way and restarted.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to stick with it. It's not so much a getting confused with a puzzle element of the game, just a puzzlement over maybe, how I'm supposed to approach it.

Lol, I'm sure after another beer It'll all become clearer ;)
PD0 is very much from the console school of FPS's.

I agree the second level isn't entirely clear. I spent a couple of hours one evening trying to work it out while round a friend's house but found it a breeze the next day with a clear mind. It's the topless guys with shotguns that you're supposed to be targetting specifically. They're distinguishable from the other run of the mill goons. I found it best to shoot them once you've used them to complete your objectives, at least you then know they're out of the way.

Decent enough game, well worth percevering with. The multiplayer's where the best hours of this game is to be had.
I think this game is like marmite, you love it or hate it.

I hated it, I wanted to love it but there were so many little things that bugged me.

The bots especially. I mean FFS the AI on the bots seems to be not to dissimilar to that of Quake 1 bots.

There was no jump button. Why on earth would there not be the ability to jump? it seems so so bloody stupid.

Controls seem crap especially when compared to COD2, Quake 4 and halo. did rare even think to play any other console FPSs to see how a game should respond.

I think if the controls were better then I would peobably have enjoyed this game more. But I instantly realised that if I played this game for any lenght of time that I would ruin my technique in games like COD and Halo.
Must admit the default controoler setup is pants and needs changing asap.


Profile Options > Controls

• Control Style: Standard
• Auto Aim Style: On or Off, doesn't make much of a difference, in this game if the small crosshair is over an opponent, the shot is going to hit.
• Sensitivity: 75-100 seem to be the best.
• Invert Y: Up to you.

The most important part:
• X/Y Sensitivity: Off - Most console FPS have Y Slower than X as default, but in PDZ they decided to make it so the X and Y axis are the same speed, it may sound silly, but this makes a HUGE difference when changed.
• Y Sensitivity: 45-60 - The Higher your X is, adjust it appropriatly with the Y. This is where you'll be getting more headshots.
• Fast Look: OFF - Fast Look is a stupid feature. Basically when you push your analog stick all the way in ANY direction, it will spin you around in less than a second, making precise aiming almost impossible.

Must admit the single player campaign isn't all that great (co-op with a mate over Live is good though). Its online where this game really shines.
got the game, completed it, GREAT in co-op mode, right good laff on xbox live, controls are not that bad, the way you guys make out its like the game is unplayable :/

Its worth a look if you pick it up cheap of the members market, not for 50 quid thou

If you get stook stand still and look at the floor, then follow the blue arrow, simple

Off topic, i played DOA4 in gamestation 2day, i HATE it, glad i didnt buy it
I'm quite a fan of PDZ. More for the online play than the missions, but they're fun too.

It's the game i play most online. Killcount and Team Killcount are great fun. I've never had any trouble with the controls, though i must admit to avoiding FPS games on consoles. I am going to try lowering the sensitivity for the Y axis after reading Gurujockstrap's post. I can't be far off my 100 headshots achievement, so every little will help.
Going to follow Gurujockstrap's advice, cheers.

Just finished level 2 and have to admit, by the end I was quite enjoying myself. Once I realised you could just kill the guy at the start and that you don't need to check every single thug with the radioscope (stop sniggering at the back) and also that you could start a big pagga once you'd identified a boss-type; the game got better. Lol.

Still not sure about taking cover; seems a bit hit and miss with what you can see, and I found thugs too often ran straight past the area I could hit from cover forcing me to switch out and switch weapons asap.

Also seems a bit reliant on head-shots, lol, which in some ways is good as I like shooting people in the head (don't quote me on this); some of the goons do seem able to take a fair amount of punishment.
smcshaw said:
Still not sure about taking cover; seems a bit hit and miss with what you can see, and I found thugs too often ran straight past the area I could hit from cover forcing me to switch out and switch weapons asap.
no offense mate but the game would be boring if they stood they and let you shoot them, at least this way they are trying 2 kill you
smcshaw said:
I come from this with the stance that I want to like it, afterall I've payed for it, and I've liked every other 360 game I've owned (yes even Kong).

You'll generally find, that nearly everyone who has given King Kong a chance has REALLY enjoyed it.
I can't believe you don't understand level 2. It's made clear that only 1 guard will be identified as the one you want, you have to identify and see if the others are the correct person (clearly they aren't).
Ripper^ said:
still dont get all the whinging about pdz and its control system. Never had a problem with it :)

Play COD2 and then load up PDZ and you'll see what the OP means. And I agree with him to be honest.

I want to like PDZ, but at the moment I just can't. I've tried it online too and thought it was awful. As things stand I shall probably just whizz through it on easy just so I can finish it and then get rid.
NokkonWud said:
I can't believe you don't understand level 2. It's made clear that only 1 guard will be identified as the one you want, you have to identify and see if the others are the correct person (clearly they aren't).

Lol, I didn't know before I tried the level that the guys you needed would be so obviously identifiable; the green outline, voice over telling me he was near and the on screen pointer to activate the right tool.

What it came down to was that I needed to play a little longer. I still stand by my original argument that when you're thrown into the level with the guy sat on the box in front of you and the task to identify guards it's a confusing situation. I used the tool to identify him and took the command 'not to use guns at all if necessary' to heart; hence my lack of progress. I didn't know that what I should have done was not to try and identify him and instead walk straight up and put a bullet in the back of his head. Lol.
I bought the Xbox especially for this game but I have to say it was a huge let down, I don't know how it scored so highly in the reviews. Was really disapointed with this game, like many I tried my best to like it, I forced myself to play it but still no joy.
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