<not financial advice>I'm in my early 40s. Probably paid in to like 4 or 5 company pensions. No idea how to sort it.
I'll just work till I drop I expect.
Please do something about it because you still have plenty of time. If you can help it, do not plan to "work until you drop" because I've seen an alarming number of people (including work colleagues) drop dead in their 50s before retiring and enjoying the fruits of their labour.
It's really not that difficult to check up and if desired, consolidate it all yourself with something like Vanguard, Pensionbee etc which will do all the transfers for you if you feed in the details. If you're struggling for details then you can use the free pension tracing service to find pensions from past employers:
Find pension contact details
Find the contact details for a pension provider by using the Pension Tracing Service
If consolidating, you will need to assess your level of risk tolerance, target date for drawdown/annuity and pick a fund or funds based on that. If you're really not confident and the sums involved are enough to justify it, you should get financial advice otherwise there's plenty of useful info on reddit's r/ukpersonalfinance for example. Alternatively you may just decide to keep all the details safe and let them keep running if they are doing OK but this will probably cost more in fees in the long run.
But yeah, at least take an interest because you still have time on your side
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