Interesting that you guys using this benpal service get absolutely no advice whatsoever lol. you may as well have a SIPP and have your employer pay into that.
Some advice, and im no IFA; just someone who has done a bit of research into my own pension over recent months.
* Diversify. That doesnt mean picking a bunch of different funds, it means ensuring the underlying assets those funds invest in are diversified. It means diversified geographically (UK, US, EMEA, Japan etc) and also diversified by market sector (Energy, Banks, Healthcare, Tech etc etc). If benpal wont give you this report automatically then you can get it via trustnet if you type in what you have.
* You should have a split of assetts which are stock, bonds (gov or corp) and property. The usual generic advice is that when your younger you should have more stocks, and when older more bonds. All about risk, and when your in your 20s 30s 90-100% stocks isnt an issue.
* ETFs... dont discount basic tracker funds, rather than the managed funds on the screenshots above. 90% of the time, the managed fund performs worse than the tracker. A balance between the two is good! and trackers have significantly less fees than managed funds.