Pentagon releases UFO footage

I totally resent that remark, absolutely 100% that has not happened.
I learned (learnt) a very long time ago on here never to correct peoples grammar or spelling, as far as I know @skipper847 might not be English.

Once again @skipper847 , TheKwango and Lysander think you have learning difficulties, I don't, if you have I apologise.
Resent it all you want, it’s what you’ve been doing. I don’t think I’ve said the chap has learning difficulties just that there’s obviously some sort of underlying issue, which coupled with his beliefs makes him open to ridicule and being picked on.

And that’s what you were doing, picking constantly. Even when he said he didn’t want to explain again (doesn’t matter if you don’t think he had already) you kept picking at him to ‘explain’ himself - I’m paraphrasing here a bit btw but that’s the gist of the back and forth I read.
When others posted what his obvious beliefs were you ignored those and kept at him to explain it. You wanted him to post it himself so you could give it the big ole ‘gotcha’ or whatever your end goal was/is.
When others posted what his obvious beliefs were you ignored those and kept at him to explain it. You wanted him to post it himself so you could give it the big ole ‘gotcha’ or whatever your end goal was/is.

You're still not getting that he hasn't said it himself, people are making assumptions about him which is wrong.
He even said 'Not the religious stuff' so he can't be a follower of Blue Beam.
There is no gotcha, just an interest in what he believes in and it's not Project Blue Beam.
You're still not getting that he hasn't said it himself,

I don’t need him to say it. Most people don’t need him to say it. You call it assumption, I call it common sense.

There is no gotcha, just an interest in what he believes in and it's not Project Blue Beam.
Fair enough. Unfortunately it doesn’t come across that way to some.
Lot of fragile egos in here flogging a dead horse; the rest of us don't care, give it up lads :rolleyes:

Seems to be these objects were known or detected for some time and only since unfiltering the air monitoring systems that they decided these were fair game to be downed.
Anymore info on this? As i thought they were reporting that it wasn't until they "tweaked" their radars that they began to notice these UAP/objects/balloons in the air/atmosphere etc :confused:
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If it was a balloon they would just say that
Well yeah, I look forward to them showing us what it was, otherwise it's a balloon as far as I'm concerned.

but yes otherwise not all that bothered, it was a main news item for about 12 hours until something else shiny came along and people got bored of the ufo balloon story.

The media seems to be hot for World War 3 or anything that might help to get it started.
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Well yeah, I look forward to them showing us what it was, otherwise it's a balloon as far as I'm concerned.

but yes otherwise not all that bothered, it was a main news item for about 12 hours until something else shiny came along and people got bored of the ufo balloon story.

The media seems to be hot for World War 3 or anything that might help to get it started.

I think the correct answer is that we currently don't know what it is, but if calling it a balloon works for you then sure
Didn't one of the fighter pilots say at least one of the objects was not a balloon.

Yeah, I doubt they were balloons, the pilots would just say they were balloons and wouldn't bother shooting a missile at them. Also if you shot a small balloon with a side winder missile there would be nothing to recover.
Enough with the back and forth now, leave Skipper alone or the holidays start. Don’t quote this message, no need to reply, just move on.

edit: is this meta?
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There's another good video too breaking these down, not with sensationalism, but with some reality:

No new data since the US government haven't released any, but he's good at articulating the whole situation as of late and highlighting what we've discussed earlier, that what's more likely given the gov's admissions and disclosure documents, is that a foreign power is spying on the USA and others and that more than likely they have achieved soke new technology that evades detection at least for some time etc.
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