Resent it all you want, it’s what you’ve been doing. I don’t think I’ve said the chap has learning difficulties just that there’s obviously some sort of underlying issue, which coupled with his beliefs makes him open to ridicule and being picked on.I totally resent that remark, absolutely 100% that has not happened.
I learned (learnt) a very long time ago on here never to correct peoples grammar or spelling, as far as I know @skipper847 might not be English.
Once again @skipper847 , TheKwango and Lysander think you have learning difficulties, I don't, if you have I apologise.
And that’s what you were doing, picking constantly. Even when he said he didn’t want to explain again (doesn’t matter if you don’t think he had already) you kept picking at him to ‘explain’ himself - I’m paraphrasing here a bit btw but that’s the gist of the back and forth I read.
When others posted what his obvious beliefs were you ignored those and kept at him to explain it. You wanted him to post it himself so you could give it the big ole ‘gotcha’ or whatever your end goal was/is.