Been working from home for 3 years, started new job that's office based where I'm around people for 8hrs a day. Straight to the car for my half hour break, I'm okay with it and it seems quite a popular choice with others there.
That absolutely sounds like a surreal comedy sketch. A busy office full of people are all talking away to each other at their desks, the coffee machine and in various meetings and training sessions. Then at lunch time they all stop talking and traipse outside to sit in their cars and eat their lunch alone in silence.
Me timeSounds normal to me.
You've just had 4 or 5 hours of a busy office so you go and have 30 minutes 'me time'.
Me time. What's that!?
Apologies, I was being ironicme time
Learn to pronounce
Definitions from Oxford Languages
- time spent relaxing on one's own as opposed to working or doing things for others, seen as an opportunity to reduce stress or restore energy.
"schedule some me time when you get home"
I always eat my lunch in my van, or a cafe, always on the move!
Makes sense to me, load balancing the seats so it takes longer for the driver's seat to be damaged.I work with a women who used to do this, the weirdest part was that she used to sit in the passenger seat rather than the drivers seat and when I said, ahh I suppose you can be more comfortable while you eat in that seat because the wheel doesnt get in the way, her reply was, actually never thought about it like that, the reason I sit in that seat is so it wears it a bit more as no one ever sits there. weird people are weird...
Bit like me I guess when I drove a Black Cab, late morning I’d go to a sandwich bar off Fleet Street, get a Mexican tuna on white and a black coffee to go, then aim for Lincoln’s Inn Fields, where I’d sit in the back and read the paper while eating the sandwich.
The weirdos are the ones who don't choose to use their lunch break as a break from work.
This sounds like a recipe for disaster