People with phones playing videos in public without headphones

What I find weird is if said person is blasting music around, and someone asks him to turn it down, then the said person gets offended like he didn't start the incident.

I remember a situation like this many years ago.

Some guy is blasting Nirvana through leaky headphones on the train
Guy next to him: Erm, um, sorry, but do you mind turning it down a bit?
Nirvana guy: **** you.
Other guy: Well **** your music.

Nothing changed.
I remember a situation like this many years ago.

Some guy is blasting Nirvana through leaky headphones on the train
Guy next to him: Erm, um, sorry, but do you mind turning it down a bit?
Nirvana guy: **** you.
Other guy: Well **** your music.

Nothing changed.

Yup, people don't like being called out on their BS.

Though I'm wondering these days if the general empathy is so low that some people genuinely don't think of other people around them.
Also, people having phone conversations on public transport on speakerphone.
I don't mind that, as it's easier to eavesdrop on their **** life and then make fun of them.
I really only sigh when they hold the phone horizontal up to their face, in Eating Slice Of Pizza poses.

I wonder if you travel abroad to Kabul do you get people screaming English on public transport?
Wherever you go in the world, you'll find Brits screaming English.... usually VER-EE. SLOW-LEE. IN. SIN-GLE. SYLL-Y-BULLS. SO. FOR-UN-UZZ. UN-DAH-STAND. INN-ITT....
I wonder if you travel abroad to Kabul do you get people screaming English on public transport?

Yes. In certain parts of the ME you do.

As a Brit it's extremely embarrassing. Though one girl from Oman tried to pick me up on public transport in Turkey before she realised I was sitting next to my wife.
Yup, people don't like being called out on their BS.
the problem is, as someone posted they are probably doing it well aware that it annoys everyone, and thus they are just waiting for someone to make a comment so they can blow up on you and cause a scene. It's just not worth the aggro. Having said that I'd always find it tempting to just go and stand next to someone and do exactly as they're doing, by playing your own music louder than theirs.

I really only sigh when they hold the phone horizontal up to their face, in Eating Slice Of Pizza poses.
That's when you should go up to them and ask if they're filming the Apprentice.
I think sometimes it is on purpose as a kind of "look at me" thing, and when you do look they love the attention and getting brave with the "yeah what!?" looks back. Like they want it to offend and annoy and raise a public argument.

Other times I think people have no concept as to how when they have to have something at a volume level that they can hear it, the rest of the train carriage/bus/room/public place can also hear it very easily.

Other times it's a bit of the above, mixed in with a healthy dosage of just don't give a **** coz my need is greater than anyone elses right now to hear this for me me me.

It truly sickens me the level of entitlement and lack of realisation as to how ones actions affect others these days. People are much more selfish in life with everything now. It really has become the world of "I'm alright jack".

You never discovered that during the last two years of Covid? During the lockdowns was a real wakeup call more than ever before how most of society has become.
It was actually an old man in a coffee shop that was the catalyst for the post, but most often it’s yoots seeking attention. The wot u lookin at mate init….sorts.

“Your life fading away….oh sorry, that’s 30 seconds in the future” (in keyboard warrior speak)
Doesn't bother me, someone is doing something that isn't disturbing my peace. They can do as they please.
In generally just seems an ever increasing amount of no class and lack of a proper upbringing. I truly miss the bit of the lockdown when I could get away from most of it on a day to day basis.
Folk on speakerphone when they’re standing/walking by themselves in shops etc is a complete mystery, speakerphone is for using in groups or hands free….it’s not like you can hear better using speakerphone (can you?.) still need one hand to hold the phone, makes me think of The Apprentice program
I think some people must do it because they think it makes them look cool and they're showing off. Sometimes in a 'I'm a badass, can't tell me what to do' kind of way, but sometimes in a 'my taste in music and entertaining YouTube videos is excellent, I know you're admiring how cool I am for enjoying such exquisite content' kind of way.

Other people just completely clueless about how annoying and intrusive it is hearing the audio from some stupid video blasted out on tinny phone speakers in a public place, and are just intent on doing their thing without thinking about anyone else.
The Somali boys do it at my work it's just a complete culture clash, they don't give a toss.
I'm not racist, but I don't even really go out in public that often and it does bother me when I see someone holding their phone horizontally in from of their mouths while walking along. Wtf is all that about?
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