** Peripheral Showcase **

TADA68 with a G703.

White PBT Keycaps
White Backlightighting
Gateron brown switches
ANSI layout
68 key layout


I have a custom sleeved white cable for the keyboard now and a wrist rest.

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Thanks milko. The digital display is just for aesthetics really. No function at the moment although I would like to have it function as an ammunition counter if the data can be extracted out of the game(s).

You are right concerning the Powergrid application; with the HOTAS and voice attack, I've got pretty much everything covered although the centre console mechanism can be used as a platform for other peripherals if needs be. I've made more progress since these pictures were taken but have been on a bit of a go-slow over Xmas due to various family commitments.

Lots of dry assembling but still a reasonable amount to finish off, including a headrest for the top:

Centre console mechanism (lots of tidying up to do). Stowed:


With an iPad mini attached:

Nice chair

looks like a Star Wars chair to me :)
but with the ipad raised you could almost say it was from Star Trek :D
Very nice. Looks like it might fit the bill if I decide to get a 60%. Thanks :)

Hummed and harred for quite some time about 60% keyboards since then and almost pulled the plug on a Vortex Vibe at one point.

Since I really like my TKL CODE with its MX Clears - although recently the spacebar can on rare occasions activate twice - I have found another one for sale with MX Greens. Got plans already to upgrade it to the v3 case and have keycaps on their way also. :)
My Code with the MX Green's arrived today. These switches are incredible for typing on. I've never had a clicky switch, they're rather loud.. but I don't really bottom them out much with them being ~80/85g actuation. I just need the rest of my stuff to turn up now, as I have two identical keyboards. :p
The keycaps I ordered from China were finally released from customs (since I missed the Royal Mail slip entirely..) and fitted tonight. Upgraded this one to a white case, with USB-C connector and some old-school grey and dark grey keycaps. :)


Spacebar is a little bit tinny sounding for some reason. Although this one only puts one space instead of two.. and I've already adjusted the repeating time in windows. Gaming or casual only for that keyboard till I can fix it.
TADA68 with a G703.

White PBT Keycaps
White Backlightighting
Gateron brown switches
ANSI layout
68 key layout


I have a custom sleeved white cable for the keyboard now and a wrist rest.

love the clean setup!, where did you get that wrist support from?
Some cool looking setups here. I definitely need to work on my aesthetics a bit more, love the all white look very clean. Think I've been sick of my 100% all black setup subconsciously for a long while now but just haven't bothered to do anything about it.
Lovely, really tempted by a Varmilo, can you fit with regular keycaps so the backlight can shine through? Where did you pick it up from?

Thanks. Regarding the key caps, yes you should be able to replace them. However, these are super high quality and I think you’d be missing out on a lot of the ‘feel’ unless you replaced them with something quality. Not sure I can link to a competitor but if you search for Varmilo VA88M Moonlight, you should be able to find the UK supplier. Good luck!
OcUK sell TaiHao keycaps, although not sure if they stock they're backlit. But any set that fits on an MX switch will be fine.
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