** Peripheral Showcase **

Quickfire rapid, G400, sennheiser HD595's with modmic.


I ordered a CM Storm White Quickfire TK Limited Edition with Brown keys earlier that i should have on Tuesday, will stick a pic up then.
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some lush looking setups!!! i will be building my 1st ever pc next week hopefully, i totally forgot about needing a mouse and keyboard! lol, just wondering do you guys buy your own gear for work setups? i would just use what work gave me unless they gave me cash to go and buy some nice pc gear for work use :D
Razer Blackwidow Ultimate (older model with blue backlight unlike the 2013 with green) and TTesports Black Element Combat White.
Razer Blackwidow Ultimate (older model with blue backlight unlike the 2013 with green) and TTesports Black Element Combat White.

ohhh nice!! lol bet there not cheap, going to look them up now :D

edit, wow the keyboard is not cheap at over £100, but wow tactile feedback sounds AMAZING lol :)
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some really nice setups in here heres mine (excuse the poor pic its from my iphone)

Qpad mk85 (cherry red mx switches)
boogie bug xxl mouse mat
logitech g9x mouse
steelseries kinzu mouse
trust GXT 14 mouse
belkin N52 te hand pad/speed bad (exactly the same as the razer nostromo)
steel series siberia v2 headset
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Why 3 mice? :p

im trying to find "THE ONE" :p:D

cant seem to find a mouse i like had so many now,the first one i bought for £5 seems to be the best!(shape wise) (trust gxt 14)

starting to like the g9 now my hand seems to be getting to like the shape (precision grip)
Updated mine.

Roccat Kone XTD
Gigabyte Aivia Mech Keyboard
Roccat Kave headset

I will probably change the keyboard to a Roccat one when they release them in October as I'm a bit anal when it comes to looks and makes being the same, lulz.


My Setup, using the Logitech Illuminated Keyboard and a Logitech Mouse. I like to change Keyboard/mouse every so often. I think I'll go for a mech keyboard next and maybe go back to Razer mice
That keyboard looks surprisingly nice, whats the key feel like? Weak and mushy/springy and responsive?


Keys can get a little stiff but I'm still working them in. Only had it 2 days so I'm still getting used to it but all in all it's a pretty decent keyboard. I'm sure once I've got used to it I'll be praising it:)
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Razer Imperator 4G (2nd one) and Steelseries 4HD Mousepad


Wireless Microsoft 360 Controller for Windows


Ducky Shine 3 YOTS #991 MX Reds
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Here's a terrible pic taken with my terrible phone


Ducky Shine III (brown switch, green LED)
Xbox controller
Microsoft Sidewinder X5 Mouse (had it years, still great)
Corsair Raptor H5 Headset (very basic, does the job)
Logitech Z323 speakers (basic, but they do the job)
Overclockers 3XL Mousemat (comfy)
Fifth of packet of Hobnobs (so damn tasty)
Empty packet of Haribo (nomnomnom)
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