** Peripheral Showcase **

Hi folks,

I just wanted to show a comparison of my new toy which turned up, complete with Haribo this afternoon.

Ducky Shine 3 TLK (9087) Brown cherry MX switches and blue LEDs

I'm using my existing Logitech G19 for a size comparison below. I needed more desk space after moving my PC and the G19 is simply massive and frankly as I no longer need an insane amount of macro options it's overkill, whilst not being great to type on - something I'm doing increasingly more of.

As you can see the DS3TLK (Bottom KB) is tiny in comparison (click for larger image). I would like to point out when the image was taken it was in breathing LED mode and LEDs at their brightest, whilst the G19 has them toned down :)

So far I've been impressed by the brown switches, I'd tried out red and blue before purchasing as well as a friends old brown switch keyboard and it was rather close between red/brown, but I'm glad I opted for them in the end. Typing is a joy but I've not noticed any problems whilst gaming!

Close up on LHS of Ducky Shine 3 TLK (Click for larger version)

Space bar logo - this is the alternate space bar you're supplied with, I'm not a fan of the snake logo. The space bar has 3 LED lighting which can be adjusted to any colour. (click for larger image)

This is potentially the only thing I'll miss about the Logitech, I certainly won't miss the driver software although my only real critisisms of the Logitech G19 are it's not great for typing and it's large, very large. However the G19 game panel is superb, especially if you team it up with Aida64:


Fortunately rather than miss out on this I've found an external USB panel online which can do the same thing for about 20 quid :) So I've got my keyboard AND the one thing I'll miss from my old one!
Pretty poor phone cam pic. Rather dusty logitech g15 rev 1 keyboard, logitech g500 mouse and goldring ns1000 headphones.

Dire need of a new keyboard and headphones. Have another brand new g500 kept as a spare.

New mic! Wish I had bought a tenkeyless version of my board back in the day so I could have my mouse a bit closer. Ah well, still does a job!

I just wanted to say that Fuggan has good taste in Peripherals and games :)

I too wish I'd bought the tenkeyless version :( but not a lot you can do!
I just wanted to say that Fuggan has good taste in Peripherals and games :)

I too wish I'd bought the tenkeyless version :( but not a lot you can do!

Haha, that is awesome! I love my headset, had it absolutely years and it's still so comfy!

Been thinking about buying a tenkeyless version and selling this as it's still pretty much new! I'd be 'happy' if I only lost out by twenty quid or so.
Haha, that is awesome! I love my headset, had it absolutely years and it's still so comfy!

Been thinking about buying a tenkeyless version and selling this as it's still pretty much new! I'd be 'happy' if I only lost out by twenty quid or so.

I've had mine for ages too, lost count of the number of headbands I've had though :( The drivers still work great, so for now I'll keep changing the headbands.
I've had mine for ages too, lost count of the number of headbands I've had though :( The drivers still work great, so for now I'll keep changing the headbands.

Really? I'm still on my first one! And I don't think I even have any drivers installed haha.
World's worst photographer reporting in. :D

Corsair Vengeance 2100


Microsoft Sidewinder X4


Zowie EC1 eVo & Corsair Vengeance MM200 XL

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QPad MK-85 Reds, Mionix Naos 7000, Perixx XXXL mousemat, M-Audio AV30's, Asus 120hz monitor :)

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Logitech G710+
Logitech G500
Logitech G27 wheel
Logitech RumblePad 2
Sennheiser pc350 headphones
Mad catz cyborg fly 5 joystick

Logitec MX Darkfield mouse
Denon AH-D301 headphones
Sennhiser MM 550-X Travel headphones

Logitech G15 mk2 ( I miss my old mk1 shame it got wet)
Logitech G3 (I miss my G5 suffered the same fate as the old G15, It’s just a shame H2o is like kryptonite because that stuff is everywhere, it even materialises from the sky when god is sad)

I don’t think Logitech is the best but there convenient to get and I sort of like the hole everything matches thing
What do you think to the Zowie?

I really like it! It replaced my old Logitech G400 and after a few hours of getting used to the smoothness and difference in weight it fits like a glove. I've only used it at the highest DPI which I believe is 2,300 but I don't really believe Joe Bloggs would ever need anything higher than that. It's really improved my gaming in a few different FPS games that I play, it's really nicely built and comes with an extra set of feet too. Reminds of an old Intellimouse that I used to use a few years back which is a very good thing in my opinion. :)
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