Personal Log to losing weight

Eat the maximum amount of calories you can whilst still promoting weight loss.

Throwing away a caloric buffer due to impatience or a deadline is a little foolish :) If you were maintaining weight on 3,000 calories you will still lose weight on 2,500 just as you would 1,500 calories however when loss plateaus, which it will, you have less head room to make deductions requiring an increase in activity which eventually becomes unsustainable. Ideally the best approach is to establish current maintenance caloric intake before making adjustments.

Weightloss does not need to be restrictive or unenjoyable. :cool:
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Best of luck to you with this, I felt the same at the end of September. Looked at a photo of myself and thought man I got fat. I wasn't as big as you were but I was a little over 14.5 stone at 5"10, I was 35 then too.

Only advice I can really give is find something you enjoy, try not to force it. If you're finding you are cheating or slipping up, perhaps this diet isn't for you, and maybe trying another method that will suit you more. Don't forget you have plenty of time, I personally wouldn't be limiting my calories so much.

Oh and sod the scales too, take a picture instead, I've been 11 stone for 8 weeks according to my scales, which in itself is very demotivating given how hard I'm working to lose weight. But the pictures show a very different story!

Good luck!!
Well the issue I had was my weight over the past few years has been erratic, mostly due to crap eating at times and slightly better at other times.
ie. some weeks could have takeaway 3 times in a week but other weeks could eat fairly positve. But my body would yo-yo but long terms its continually grown I don't really know what my intake should be to maintain my current weight, so going low to start is ok, but if hunger starts to kick in I will increase a little until I get to something I'm happy with, but limited in cals so I ensure I do lose weight.

I'd say fizzy drinks, beer, takeaways and a trip to the pub for lunch 6 times a month on average (during the working day) was my main issue over the past few years. So as you can see here my lifestyle was very much eat junk and do very little in exercise (virtually nothing)
Could you throw some walking in to the mix? I'm walking an hour or so a day now, and it's helping quite a lot both in terms of fitness and weight loss IMO.

I could walk, but I'm going to use my exercise bike 3-4 days per week during my lunch break. I feel happier being at home exercising than outside walking. I also like the idea of no impact work too to start with.
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Will be following this thread as I'm going to be on a similar weight loss mission.

Currently at 15st 3lbs and 5ft 10".

Have started off fairly decently this year clocking in 25km a day on the bike, but that will change along the course of the regular weekly routine to incorporate weight training and running/rowing too.

Aim to drop 3-4 lbs a week at the early stages which is doable I think and to be more sensible with eating. I can't really get on with counting calories but just going to be more cautious of what I eat, i.e. substituting junk for healthy snacks etc.

Subbed, all the best!
I don't really know what my intake should be to maintain my current weight, so going low to start is ok,

That's fine but starting a deficit period below your Basal Metabolic Rate for calorie intake isn't, in my fairly well versed opinion, a smart move. Regardless of how easy it may seem. :)
Good luck with this I hope you smash your target!

I too am also trying to lose weight since I get married in about 18 months. I am 6"4' tall and did weigh 19.5 stone before I started on my new food plan. I am now 5 weeks or so in and have lost 3/4 of a stone! All I have done is remove the following from my diet:

- Refined processed sugar (natural sugar is OK, like in fruit).
- Caffeine (helps me sleep better at night).
- Milk (it's basically a growth hormone for cows so I can't lose weight if I'm having this stuff).

I am starting back at the gym properly this week now that Christmas is out of the way and now that a previous health issues has cleared up so hopefully get burning those calories and see how we go :)

Again, all the best with this dude! :)

Just did my first exercise bike.


EDIT: 9th jan bike.
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Over the last year I've lost 5stone through watching what I've been eating (logging it on myfitnesspal) and started to do a little exercise, I'm now doing 2 5k runs a week (when I can) and am in need of buying a second new set of work clothes as the ones I got in September, when my old ones were hugely too big, are now too big also.

Good luck and remember that even if you have a bad day and blast over your calories for the day it doesn't matter too much as long as you get back on track the next day.

Also make sure you eat things you like too as that makes a huge difference to it becoming a way of living that you will stick to rather than a something that one day you'll stop and you'll go back to eating as you were before.

My other bit of advice is, if you have a day where you really feel the need for something bad for you, be it a big greasy burger and chips of whatever, sometimes you need to just allow yourself that and satisfy the craving. I've found that if I ignored it and tried to keep to my healthier food, the craving didn't go away and in the end I'd give in but would have ended up eating far more calories than if I'd just satisfied the craving in the first place.
Well tomorrow evening I'm going to a chinese resturant with some friends (7 of us in total) it was planned before my kick start of this.

I intend to eat very well, I expect my cal count will be quite high, but I feel that this is something I shouldn't skip etc, because I will just resent the fact I skipped it.
I will just maintain what I'm doing before and after that. I'm happy to have the odd cheat day etc, otherwise I will just fall off the wagon.

the place we are going to is:
This is all you can eat for £19 each, but its not a buffet, they cook the food fresh and bring it to your table etc. Essentially with 7 of us we will just most (if not all) of the starters and share, they are small portions. ie. prawns = 3 prawns per serving. So we can pick from each dish.
Then for main I will have something like shredded beef in black bean sauce and rice.
I will skip dessert anyway, as its normally not that good a choice.

My usual starters consist of:
salt and pepper chicken wings
garlic prawns
chicken satays
sesaeme toast
BBQ ribs
Yuk Sung
Then main:
Beef in black bean sauce
Egg fried rice
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