Personal Log to losing weight

one part I don't understand though. Losing weight (fat) is about intake less cals than my body is using, as the body then uses the reserves of calories/energy from the fat - and this is the result of the weight loss.

Surely if my body isn't getting enough from my daily food intake even for the BMR functions, then my body will just cover the difference by using up more of the body fat content, which I'm trying to remove.
Thanks ROSSI, I am not completely removing nice things from my diet, just reducing it to occasional treats.

The biggest thing I have done to reduce my poor diet is not actually food, it is fizzy pop and beer. On average I was drinking 5 cans of coke per day (not even diet coke) and maybe 8-10 pints lager/cider per week on average. I have now switched to water, this has been very hard, I think I had a minor addiction to the sugars and caffeine in the coke.

Friday night I was with friends at a restaurant, then drinks back at mine, normally this would involve in maybe 10 beers, but I had water and a lemonade when out, and 1 vodka with grape, apple and cranberry juice back at mine after the meal.

My other big bug bear was my twice weekly takeaway, which on occasion isn't bad, but it was the quantity of food I had, for example a dominos order would be a Large Pizza to myself, I dread to think what the cals were in that.
Combined with 0 exercise it was a terrible combination.

I know exactly where my flaws were.
When I ate home cooked meals I was eating healthy anyway - it was the exception nights of takeaways etc.
I have stopped with the crisps and chocolate completely now too, I was eating maybe 5 bags of crisps per week and maybe 8 chocolate bars. This is now a yogurt or some fruit.

As for boring foods, my cupboard is full of various herbs and spices, a sprinkle of chilli or mint or ginger etc, can make a boring meal quite enjoyable.
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how do you feel on such a diet? that in the OP has never worked for me, just constantly sleep and feel rubbish.

Much better than I expected actually. I'm finding it easy. I think the fact I have a goal/target to aim for is making it much easier. Being best man for my Dads wedding in July is the motivation for me.

Tonights dinner was very nice.

2 x small chicken kievs,
2 x mini Jacket potato with some butter.
Lettuce, Tomato and Cucumber Side Salad with Mango Salad Dressing Sauce

Seems far to low, aim for 2200-2300 for 2-3 weeks and see what happens to your weight. If you loose weight keep it there, once you plateau drop another 100.

Multiple posters have suggest that less is more when it comes to calorie restriction and not to cut too much.

Well my body feels fine, and I'm not hungry on around 1700 cals at the moment. So I think for now I'm happy to continue around this level. My fat % on my belly is the worst bit and I know this will help to drop it fairly quickly. I look like a tellytubby. The odd thing is I'm very over weight, but my arms and legs are very skinny still. The weight is all just in two places; my belly and my neck. Even my chest is not really very fat.

This doesn't look like the arm of a 35 year old almost 18 stone man.
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I don't understand why I need to decrease my cals once I've lost weight. It doesn't make sense.

The below table is an example of what I need to maintain my weight at each interval.


So In theory I will keep losing weight if i eat 1600 cals... once i get to 13 stone (target weight) I aim to be adjusted to around 2235 cals by starting to increase my cal intake in small amounts from 14 stone.
It means that the weight loss will be slower from 14 to 13... but it will allow me to find roughly what my actual body needs to remain at around 13 stone once I achieve that.. (working out what the exact number is for me once at 13 stone by a few weeks of trial and error)
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If you want to be healthy and fit for the rest of your life you need to look at long term changes and not short term gains.

I am thinking of long term as once I'm at my target weight, I intend to continue to eat less calories than I was when putting on weight. Adjusting to suit once closer to my target.

Is there proof a body adjusts to what calories I give it? surely if a body adjusts down with less, it should counter adjust up if you feed it more.

If my body "adapts to 1600cals" then this BMR calcuation is not the same for all individuals, as each person calculation would/could vary due to eating factors. I was told in this thread earlier than it remains the same for all same height and weights etc pretty much, now your saying that isn't the case...

I'm confused.
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The way I see it.

I'm eating 3 meals a day (all healthy). Before I was eating 2 meals but often poor meals - kebabs/pizza/curry 2-3 times a week.
If my body gets hungry in between I fuel it with something which is not full of sugar/fat (healthy). Before I would eat crisps/chocolate/cakes.
I have swapped 2-3 beers a night for 2-3 bottles of water.
I'm losing weight. Before I was putting it on for years.

Even if my current intake is maybe a little under what is deemed "best" for me, surely it is still better than risking staying at 18 stone (or even continuing to put more weight on) and risking heart attack at 45 or diabetes etc.

I feel people get to hung up on doing it by the book etc.
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Just aim to lose 0.5-1% of your bodyweight a week. If this happens with x calories then x calories are what's needed. There will be a little metabolic downregulation with dieting but it's not massive. If you've got some time read this.

Well I was 248lb. In the first week I lost 2lb... that is 1% aprox. So that is on track!
This may sound rather crude but my big old belly has been fairly solid to the touch. Today I noticed it is far less dense the fat must is dispersing now.

My concern will be excess skin - I have been a 40" waist for around 3-4 years now, I aim to be a 34" eventually. That means flappy skin to sort out! I expect if I lose the wieght I want I can expect to lose maybe 10" to 12" around the belly.
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Another reason to go with a more moderate calorie reduction and a steadier weight loss.

2lb loss in 1 week... how much slower should i go?

I'd just gone from 38 to 40 when I had enough, went down to a 34 over 12 months and had no problems with skin. You're a young chap and aren't that huge - it's surprising how elastic skin is.

stop coming onto me Dave. :) (I will have to call you Helen)
While I wish you all the best in your journey Ace Modder, you really need to re-evaluate your definition of a healthy diet.

Cut the simple carbs, you're having 16g of sugar in each of your porridge pots, and your Starbucks Vanilla latte has over 30g of sugar for a Grande, 40g for a Venti. You're then throwing lots of white bread on top of this. A Skinny yogurt still has over 10 grams of sugar in too.

The can of Monster Energy needs to be scrapped too, even if it is zero calorie - check out the research linking zero calorie sweeteners to weight gain and fat storage.

Try to go for more fat, more protein, more plant based foods and less sugar.

For me, I know that the changes I have made will have a positive impact. I'm not aiming for a perfect diet at all. I'm just looking for something can reverse the years of putting the weight on.

Here is an example of my food diary from a few days ago.


and here is an example of an average day in 2016. (i made this up with tomorrows empty entry)


So regardless of my imperfections, my daily diet is loads better than it was last year.
As for the starbucks vanilla latte, it was a one off treat as my friends asked me to go for lunch with them. It is a treat/cheat day. An exception. You saying I cannot have the odd day with a treat?
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I know you said it was a test but I'd recommend eating fats to reach your fat goal. In my experience anything lower than 50g of fat per day drops testosterone/hormones and makes you feel terrible.

Keep up the good work :)

I know, I think later on this evening I may have a piece of toast (buttered) with cheese on it, will help me to achieve the fat and carb target I need.
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