Personal Log to losing weight

So for the last week you have constantly eaten 1700kcals a day yet gained weight?

Now considering the TDEE that is the calories needed just for basic bodily functioning for someone of your weight not taking into a account any exercise is a touch over 2000kcals something somewhere doesn't add up.

Try not to get bent out of shape by my replies as most people would, I'm not trying to be a ****.

I know, it doesn't make any sense at all. Something is wrong here for sure. But I am scanning all bar codes and weighing out everything I eat that is fresh. There is something not right.
The only thing I haven't logged in my water and high juice drinks. Surely they cannot make that much difference?
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It's the little things like that that most people don't even think of that make all the difference.

Like when people will sit and smash a whole massive bowl of fruit thinking they're being healthy and wonder why they're not loosing weight.

Yup, I made a smoothie using fresh fruit, logged it all with weights and I was surprised how bad it actually was.

I switched from squash to water recently after seeing how much sugar it contained.

I now have either cucumber water or strawberry water.

I've lost 2lbs both weeks since NY so that's about where I want to be.

Not trying to take over your thread though - keep it up, the results will come.

Don't worry, all feedback and help is welcome.
It's funny you all talk of hydration. During the night (about 6am) I got a massive cramp in my calf muscle, and oh my god I've never felt so much pain (except for man-flu of course) It made me jump out of bed like a crazy person, I almost gave my wife a heart attack I think. Anyway it took 15 mins for the muscle to unlock. It was not a nice thing.

About 10mins after I went for a piddle, and I noticed my wee was so dark, almost brown like, thinking back to yesterday I don't think I took much fluid. Maybe 1.5-2 pints only all day. So I think the muscle cramp was due to dehydration (google has just confirmed it).

I have drunk around 2litres of water today already and just did 40mins on my exercise bike to try to loosen my calf muscle as it was still tight. I did almosty 14km on resistance setting 11 (of 30) and my leg feels better now.
back to my matter at hand.... ( i did a sneeky early weigh in this morning (normally done on Mondays)) I'm now at 17 stone and 6lb. Always weighing myself at the same time each day, before eating breakfast.

At lunch time today I also did this on my bike.
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Yes, but only 2lb more lost, this is mostly due to a couple of meals out with family for my wifes birthday.

EDIT: Last week was bad for me.

Tuesday = Pizza
Thursday = Indian Curry from takeaway
Friday = Chinese resturant
Saturday = triple oatcake, with 3 sausage, 3 bacon, 2 fried eggs, cheese. Eton Mess Milkshake - made with proper ice-cream.
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2nd Jan I was 17stone 10lb
Today I'm 17 stone 3lb.

It's going ok. 2 months so far and I've lost 7lb, would liek to have it a bit quicker, but Feb was not the best for me. Wifes birthday meant I had 3 big meals out with family etc.
Most of the weight loss was from Jan.
Feb I think I maintained and didn't drop/rise.

But now I'm back on it!

Today for brekkie was 1 brown bread toasted with cheese and ham.
Lunch is a chilli con carne & rice pot (250ish cals)
Dinner will be chicken and veg and mashed potato.
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