personal question to anyone who owns a beard

Use oil, it does itch a bit sometimes if you neglect it, if you let it get a bit bushy people tend to ignore you which is nice.

Funny roars comment but without some facial hair I look like a prepubescent teen.
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No beard just stubble as anything more looks patchy for me. If you’ve been blessed then why not grow a beard.

Stopped shaving since 22/23 as I find it looks strange, does take a few years off mind you but maybe that’ll be beneficial in a few more years
me and a friend are having a bet about something which i won't go into (i have not agreed to it yet but i might do)

if I loose the bet, my friend wants me grow .........a beard (im almost 40, I have never wanted facial fur)

but if I win, I get to drive around in his car for a month ...hehe

anyway, its a weird question for anyone who has facial furr

the thought of having facial furr worries me

Do you actually feel it have any effect in your face, for example does it make it itchy, or does it create aerodynamic drag or anything like that when you walk

only asking because I'm geeting cold feet thinking about the consequences of what could happen here. i just have visions of it being a fire hazard or something

yeah, you will probably never get asked this sort of question ever again
I've had a beard on some form for about 13yrs.
I don't generally find it is itchy, though some people say they find it so. I think that is just a question of length. People say after a few weeks it can itchy for a bit and then it stops.

No drag when you walk! I had a fairly long beard recently (about 6 month growth). No drag walking or running. When I was skiing I could feel it moving around, but I don't think it slowed me down!
Although I'm currently clean shaven (bloody hipsters making beards trendy) I wore one for about 35 years, came to the bottom of my ribcage at one point. It's only itchy at first, but that goes soon enough.
Do it, you might like it,and it's easy enough to take it off if you don't.
Had a beard, or long stubble for years now. No plans to clean shave ever again.

- I look more manly
- Less time spent mucking about shaving
- Less money spent on shaving stuff (beard trimmers last years)
- Less skin irritation



I haven't been clean shaven in over 7 years. Loathe shaving. But that's because I have thick facial hair (just none on my head! :cry: )

Most winters I grow a beard which is fairly substantial. But i go back to stubble for the sunnier months.
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Don't do it. Just look what happened to the Tate's. Then there's aerodynamic drag whilst perambulating, an itchy feeling, the potential facial fire hazard, how many reasons (even apart from those your good self has cited) do you need boy? A car's a car, who the hell wants to risk being slowed down when speed walking or self combusting smoking a cigar?
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I haven't been clean shaven in over 7 years. Loathe shaving. But that's because I have thick facial hair (just none on my head! :cry: )

Most winters I grow a beard which is fairly substantial. But i go back to struggle for the sunnier months.
Same here, really thick coarse hair. Its a nightmare for close shaving, constant rash, ingrown hairs etc I just don't bother anymore. Now just keep the neck tidy with a short beard/stubble. Also a baldie, so much chest, leg and face hair but my genes decided I wasn't allowed any on my head :p now its coming out my ears.
Yes I have a beard which has changed over the years from blond ish to ginger ish to brown to grey white. Trying not to look like Corbyn.

It keeps my face warm while cycling.
Grow it like this guy, and you rock!

Grow it like this guy, and you rock!

Just needs a man bun, a vape and some crocs to finish off the "I am a man who can't even change a light bulb" look :D
Stop thinking for longer than 5 seconds?

It takes 5 seconds to decide to grow a beard. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Let it grow for a while then go to a barbers every so often for a professional cut. The experience will teach you to have whatever you want in the future.
I grew a beard during a period of illness. The wife wasn't happy as she hated them. Kept it a few years (trimmed it though)
When my son was about a year old, on a whim I just shaved it all off. This upset both the wife and my son.

She ordered me to grow it back asap and my son took SIX DAYS to come near me again, he wouldn't entertain me in the slightest.
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