6* is easier than 3
on 3 your team can't actually play football.
For the OP.
To get an awesome keeper for ~300/year and on a free get Kim U Don. He's 17 and absolutely awesome. (Although slightly inconsistant). He's my second keeper.
Recommended players:
MF: Sneijder (Dutch two footed player who bangs 'em in from everywhere.)
CF: Martins(obviously. Can get past anyone and can't be caught. Very fun to destroy your mates completely with him going from full back position to scoring

I've found Alan Smith is actually awesome on this game for some reason despite his average stats.
Best keeper on game: Landreau. (Incredibly consisted, all special abilities needed and top stats with room to improve).
Toure is really good on it, as is Hleb.
I really like Djourou, Hargreaves and Ribery as despite their not-so-good stats they do their jobs well.
Awesome SB/CB: De jong
My team: (Not the best players on the game, but the most fun mix of players I've found. The polygon for the stats of the team is quite small, but they work together well. Surprises people when I batter them

Kim U Don
*De Jong
Walcott(Home made from stats on pesfan forums).
*Alan Smith
* = starting eleven.
I have it 3-5-2 with hleb as RAMF and sneijder as LAMF, with hargreaves and djourou as very deep DMF's who stay right back and are essentially CB's but get to go forward also. I then alternate between Richardson, Ribery, SWP and Rossicky depending on the style of play I want to dominate with
Martins and smith are both CF's with martins to the left. I tried him as a winger but didn't get on with it so just have him to the far left of the area available for CF's instead so he goes inside the box properly.
The three defenders are all CB's, but I let them push forward now and then as they're covered by the two DMF's.
I put a lot of work into this squad
Lead_Head said:
I've noticed the old team players like Lineker and Waddle etc come up in the search when finding players to sign. Is this because I've unlocked the classic teams?