I'm with petplan for 2 pugs, price does go up each year but not because of claiming. One has had £3k eye surgery and £9k spinal surgery and a few smaller claims. Proper healthcare is not cheap, I'd suggest anyone with an issue just get referred to a specialist right away rather than mess about with local vets. Where it gets tricky is when they get to a certain age, it just wouldn't be right to put them through surgery so banking the money each month for any ongoing meds might be worth it then but just like humans pets lives can be vastly improved in old age with some pain meds if they have arthritis or anything like that.
Local vets also charge a fortune for prescription meds, my advice ask for a prescription and buy the meds online. Its far cheaper.
Cover is also very different, so people saying they pay X amount is meaningless without knowing age and breeds and what they are covered for. A lot of insurance is useless, many people are just covered for small amounts and cant claim for the same condition in consecutive years.