Pet Insurance and the ever increasing costs

I think it's more down to vets exploiting the private insurance cover. They were really pushing the surgery option for my cat when it wasn't needed.
Always the way, when my sister lived in America she literally couldn’t visit the doctor without a prescription or something else extra booked all so they could bill more to the insurance company. It is a vicious circle! I guess our obsession with pedigree dogs doesn’t help, the long term chronic health issues that are now rampant in most breeds are always going to bump up the price!
" Looks at 17;year old cat *

Never had insurance.

In general, they just don't need it. Cats are very tough critters. The only time they do need help, it's debatable whether you should put them through it anyway. I am sure there are positive cases, but mostly I find that if a cat needs to go to a vet, then the news is bad, and you need to question whether you are doing this in the interest of the cat or yourself.
I suppose road accidents are an exception, but I have only once had that happen to one of the many cats I have had.
I'm with petplan for 2 pugs, price does go up each year but not because of claiming. One has had £3k eye surgery and £9k spinal surgery and a few smaller claims. Proper healthcare is not cheap, I'd suggest anyone with an issue just get referred to a specialist right away rather than mess about with local vets. Where it gets tricky is when they get to a certain age, it just wouldn't be right to put them through surgery so banking the money each month for any ongoing meds might be worth it then but just like humans pets lives can be vastly improved in old age with some pain meds if they have arthritis or anything like that.
Local vets also charge a fortune for prescription meds, my advice ask for a prescription and buy the meds online. Its far cheaper.

Cover is also very different, so people saying they pay X amount is meaningless without knowing age and breeds and what they are covered for. A lot of insurance is useless, many people are just covered for small amounts and cant claim for the same condition in consecutive years.
People need to look for fixed for life plans. I got my mum one on Manypets. Usually dogs have to be under 2 years old to start one. You pay more upfront but that price stays the same for the life of the dog no matter how many claims. My mum pays £300 total per month for her 2 St Bernard's fixed for life. But her friends have told her that after making claims in the past they are now getting crazy quotes like £300 per month per dog and they are of the same age as my mums, ( 2 years ) And it will only continue to rise as they get older!
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Stick with Petplan.

Only a few insurers deal direct with Vets.

Having to find £3k to pay a vet bill until the insurance cheque comes through can be tough.


These are owned by on of the largest Vet corps in the country so it should be an easy process if your local to a CVS practice
We're with Healthy Pets. £9 a month for the dog (2.5 year old Working Cocker Spaniel) and £5 a month for the cat (~4 year old moggie)
I stopped insuring our dogs a couple of years back.

The comnparison between the size of excess, the limit of what they would cover, the cost they were charging, and the age of the dogs (they're 14 now) meant that it stopped making sense to me to do so.

We did join the Dog's Trust though, so that they are still covered with liability insurance for £25 a year.
Of course you need to know. Unless you want to be one of those people who finds out too late that something isn't covered.
I doubt i will ever need it….didnt use it for the 15yrs i had my previous dog, or the 18yrs i had my previous cat. Its there too please the Mrs and as a just in case. All insurance in bolloxks and most of the time you pay for it and never use it.

as for you, i didnt ask for your advice and if i wanted it, i wouldnt ask. So wind your neck in and go play with someone else.
An argument on a pet insurance thread.....

Adding that to my 'Seen it all now' book

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