PGR3 Gold Medal Cone Challenges

A-n-d-y said:
Now its my turn to do these on gold :o

Good luck :)

My cone challenge car has ended up being the Ultima GTR with manual transmission and stuck in 2nd gear.

Heh, it works for me ;)
NokkonWud said:
Lambo R-GT is my favourite for this, it handles sublimely.
No crashing at all either, and keep the combo going.

I completely agree, IMO the Lambo is the car to use for cone challenges, it holds the road nicely, can drift when needed and is quick enough to get between the cones :)
Finished of all the Platinum’s and got the achievement the other night :)

Now I just need to get my Style Racer Badge and the Online professional.
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Creature said:
Some of the platinum challenges are suprisingly easy I thought, think i've got about 7-8 medals.
Yeah would agree with you there mate, however some are still pretty damn tricky! But compared to PGR2, this game is definitely easier on Platinum. I spent months trying to get all Platinums on PGR2 and managed about 116 of them before I sold my Xbox, whereas it only took me a couple of weeks to get all of them in PGR3!

For example some of the Cone Challenges in PGR2 would require 2 perfect laps with every cone linked. All of PGR3 cone challenges are 1 lap only.
I agree, I found it fairly easy in platinums. There were a couple of the cone challenges that were tricky, but compared to PGR2, they were nothing. Some tracks in PGR2 you had to do two complete perfect laps to even get the platinum (Damn Grand Touring :eek: ). It took me best part of a year to get all 232 platinums in PGR2 (although I admit a lot of that was spent online - but playing online REALLY polishes the skills). I got all plats in PGR3 in exactly one month (2nd Jan), and that was by no means constant play (didn't have it at all over Christmas, and complete Kameo and PDZ at the same time).
MadFruit said:
Some tracks in PGR2 you had to do two complete perfect laps to even get the platinum
Is it me or is there an echo lol :)

MadFruit said:
It took me best part of a year to get all 232 platinums in PGR2
Hats of to you then mate! I think I had 116, but I am surprised to hear that there were 232, I am sure I had done about 80% of them. Wish I had fired up my old xbox before I sold it to check just how I had done! (Soundwave - if your reading and haven't deleted my old profile, msl66, please take a look!)
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mark66 said:
Is it me or is there an echo lol :)

Hats of to you then mate! I think I had 116, but I am surprised to hear that there were 232, I am sure I had done about 80% of them. Wish I had fired up my old xbox before I sold it to check just how I had done! (Soundwave - if your reading and haven't deleted my old profile, msl66, please take a look!)

Anyway, congrats on all Platinum in PGR3 mate, can we call ourselves the Elite? :p

Heheh, I didn't see that bit of your post - I swear you edited ;) :P

Yeah, if you take into account all the arcade races, there are 232 (I think thats right) medals available in PGR2.
MadFruit said:
Heheh, I didn't see that bit of your post - I swear you edited ;) :P

Yeah, if you take into account all the arcade races, there are 232 (I think thats right) medals available in PGR2.

Lol, no I just editied my last comment about could we be considered the Elite, but quickly realised that it was far too 'whoo hoo look at me' but Creature spotted it before I could change it ;)
Chris1712 said:
i find race thru it, then at the end u usually have a good 10 seconds or so of tie left, do a fat donut b4 the finish line. Works sometimes, admittedly is much harder to squeeze it all in on gold.
I find it better to just handbrake it across the line, less chance of losing the multiplier.
A good way of learning is watching the replays of others, in the leaderboards on solo then load up one of the saves of the top guys, you find they do very little going through the cones, and tend to do 3 too 4, 360's on certain corners without dropping out of the multiplier at all and it gives them stupid amounts of kudos.

They tend to use a concept car i yet to unock the last one, i not got enough Kudos and can't really find a car that i like for it, i don't think i will ever do them on plat tbh :(
Jabbs said:
, i don't think i will ever do them on plat tbh :(

I said that, and I'm getting about 2 new platinum medals a day just with a bit of practice, learning where to shave a second off here, a second off there, and of course I'm handling the cars a lot better. The F50GT is a monster to drive at first, but I can happily take it round a corner at 130mph without going into a skid.

Trust me, you'll get there.
Jabbs said:
Its the cones i just can't get the hang of them, can spend hrs but i can't get the scores.
I found the hardest part with the cones was actually spotting them coming! In PGR2 they were highly visibly cones, now they are just sticks!

Anyway, here is my advise for what it may be worth:

Learn the track and try to remember where the cones are. Most of the time it is left, right, left, right etc, but I found it would be where two cones would be on the right and break the left, right pattern where I would be thrown.
Take your time, there is not that much of a time rush even with Platinum. It is more important to go relatively slowly, ensuring you get every gate than to be flying down the road.
Don't use a mental ultra fast car. I was trying to get them using my beloved RUF RTurbo but it would occasionally spin out or I would end up going just too fast. I then changed to the Ultima GTR, which was fantastic for the challenges. It has great acceleration to boost you to the next cone in time if you do end up going quite slow, it is also very controllable and stable and a little tweak of the handbrake will bring the back end out nicely, with enough power to create a slide on demand. And is does not end up going insanely fast!!
As for 360's I never did any, just tried to pull of a reasonable slide here and there on the big turns and applying a bit of handbrake here and there to bring the back end round on the tighter cones.

Good luck :)
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