Phal's house of pics

During the summer I can pop out after work and take some shots but not it's pretty much just weekends when I have time with daylight :(

Guess I need to get flashing with this new flashy thing I got!
I had a bit of a test run and had these two printed at DSColourlabs. I wasn't too sure what paper to choose so I just picked the Pearl Fuji Metallic one and they arrived today after my order Wednesday evening :) Quite prompt service considering they were printed yesterday :D

Got each printed 16x12" and they look quite spangly :D hehe. I guess I might try something bigger next!

White Horses by Phal44, on Flickr

Triumphant Fist Shaking - Explored by Phal44, on Flickr
Did you insert the vignetting or was that straight from the original shot?

Might have looked a bit better without it imho

For which shot are you referring to since they both have a little hehe :)

The B&W shot certain has it a little more pronounced so I'll work on the assumption you're talking about that one! There was some there already with the lens but that was corrected with the lens profile.

I added a small amount in PP after cropping the shot but I also added a graduated filter on the sky to under-expose it some and that seems to have accentuated it even more.

The sky was weirdly uneven before the vignetting was added which looked a bit odd imo. It was probably due to the weather being rather sketchy at the time (it was raining quite a lot). I'm sure I could have balanced it all out and ended up with a more evenly exposed shot but I like the way it feels like we're peering through darkness to the guy surfing.
I like to keep my processing varied so I was getting a bit annoyed that a lot of these shots looked better to me with some kind of PP vignetting lol. Eventually I just went with my initial thoughts and just kept it on.

That blue one is my first one to be explored on Flickr so it got quite a few views on that day :D

It's actually a black and white image but with coolness applied later. I converted it to B&W in PS and then exported it to Lightroom and left it as colour and slide the coolness slider down. Seems to work quite well for some pics :) Kinda stumbled across it when I was messing around with this shot and I liked it.

Blue Thunder Hunter by Phal44, on Flickr
Vignetting strikes again! I didn't apply it till right at the end where I thought I'd check whether I preferred it with or without and I preferred with :\ lol

More blue/white/black processing with emphasis on getting the froth very white but not too white... Quite good fun to process even if Lightroom starts to struggling a bit by the end with the various adjustments lol

Cool Move by Phal44, on Flickr
Little experiment with the new 24mm STM lens. This is two shots which I mixed together into a kind of HDR. The long exposure was long enough to get the sea nice and flat and the sky is still reasonably sharp

Shame there isn't much more to look at!

Shoreham Beach by Phal44, on Flickr

A shattered pain of glass on a local footbridge over the river

Shattered by Phal44, on Flickr

Another 24mm STM shot. This is an Oak tree in Richmond Park :) looks quite interesting

Skyveins by Phal44, on Flickr
Some high ISO examples! Lighting was perhaps powered by actual candles lol

F4 lens doesn't help but I can certainly count on my hands the number of times I've shot at ISO 6400 and I don't think I ever used 12800... First day with the 7d2 and I've managed to shoot several short touch Rugby games at ISO 16000.

ISO 16000 wasn't even enough to give me 1/1000 exposure though so I had to make do with 1/800. It turned out alright but you can see a bit of blur in the ball when it's passed and any fast moving limbs.

Obviously not much room for cropping and I've applied noise reduction and tweaked the colour balance etc. Seems alright for online use but I'm not about to get these printed anytime soon! Maybe they wouldn't look too bad printed small but who knows!

Touch Rugby 1 by Phal44, on Flickr

Touch Rugby 2 by Phal44, on Flickr

Touch Rugby 3 by Phal44, on Flickr
Some more highish ISO examples from a walkabout outside yesterday after I got home with the camera. All have noise reduction etc

ISO 2000 + 1/250 which looks funny with a little head shake

Dobby Squirrel by Phal44, on Flickr

Having a little much - ISO 2000 and 1/250 again

Munchy Squirrel by Phal44, on Flickr

Sun was already down over the nearby hill so this was in the shade

ISO 2000 and 1/500 exposure

Smelly Bird by Phal44, on Flickr

Buzzard I think? Seemed to stir up the locals

1/1000 at ISO 2000

Catbird amongst the Pigeonbirds by Phal44, on Flickr

Little Robin dude

1/640 at ISO 2500

Pensive Robin by Phal44, on Flickr
Few shots from a mate's American Football game. Only the second field sport I've shot following last week's touch Rugby and this is definitely very different to shoot and more difficult imo!

It's a lot messier and there's more people blocking the action etc. It's a lot easier to lose the ball too :\

The field was a fair bit bigger here than the touch Rugby but the 200-400mm lens was still a bit too long. It would be a lot better on a 1Dx or maybe a 5d3 but then the buffer would suck :( The zoom is still handy but 200mm on a crop still goes a long way! I often stepped back away from the side line when the action got close to give myself more room.

Weather was good so didn't have to worry about high ISO too much although I was still shooting a bit higher than I would have with my 70d.

Ball Throwing by Phal44, on Flickr

After High Five by Phal44, on Flickr

Noooooo by Phal44, on Flickr

Got ya leg! by Phal44, on Flickr

Shouting something by Phal44, on Flickr
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