Phal's house of pics

Minky picture has 3,349 views so far today :| lol

Clearly fluffy animals are more popular than Kite surfers since my last (and first explore) topped out at about 2100 views in the 24hrs
Really like that last shot, golden hour galore!

Ta :) When I left the house in the morning I was a bit gutted because the sky looked awesome but I didn't have time to go anywhere before work.

This view isn't great but since it's just round the corner from work I had to make do but I'm quite pleased at how it turned out.

On a different note, the Mink picture topped out at 7617 views yesterday so that's a new high for me lol
It was put on the Explorer list for yesterday so that tends to generate a bit more traffic :)

Definitely a lot more views on this shot compared to my last (and first) Explored pic but when I check some of the other shots in the list and see figures like 25k views, it puts it into perspective lol.
I was near the BWC again this weekend for my work xmas party so I popped in before it started :)

It's quite hard to get good pics of the Scottish Wildcats there because they're behind a mesh that you can't get close to so it tends to interfere with the AF quite a lot. I managed to get a few shots from the side where the metal fence is a bit wider

I liked the expression here

Scottish Wildcat is not impressed by Phal44, on Flickr

Here I was able to get quite low down since I could walk quite far away from the fox down a little slope and shoot through the fence there. Shooting into the sun a little made it a bit hazy but it's cool :)

Picturesque Fox by Phal44, on Flickr
First proper test of a cheapy 10 stop ND I bought a few weeks ago. It vignettes rather a lot with longer exposures but does ok considering it was a tenner :) I actually added a little vignette back in to the remaining crop in PP so what you see here could have been a lot more even.

Longsun by Phal44, on Flickr
Went out today in the hope of maybe catching a glimpse of a Kestrel (after all it turned out to be a kestrel lol) or Kite etc but bumped into this girl (I think?) instead. I spotted her sat on this hedge as I was driving up to the car park so I had to stop on a tiny road and fetch my camera from the boot to get a few shots.

I was fairly close (10 meters) with nothing but tarmac between us but she didn't seem too bothered. After getting a few shots I decided to stop blocking the road and go park.

The car park wasn't far so I headed back down towards where I'd seen the Sparrowhawk and spotted her again a good few times. The area gets quite a lot of dog walkers so I guess she's used to the hoomans to some degree.

I still haven't tweaked the microadjust since I got my 7d2 and I think I had the wrong focus mode enabled which didn't help but I got a few keepers :)

This was one of the first by the roadside

Curious Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

And this was then I found her again later after parking

Chilling on a branch Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

Low and slow Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

It's like I got my own little Falconry display :) she keps sitting on hedges and looking around before swooping down to the ground to check something. I never saw her eating anything but she kept checking for something?

Turn and flap Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

Not quite in focus but I liked it anyway :E

Catching the imaginary snack Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

Can't do that with my neck :(

Broken neck Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

Majestic looking Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

It's not as if the grass is long there either and yet she was checking for something... Eating bugs or worms maybe?

Actually not on a Golf green! by Phal44, on Flickr

Cool landing :)

Flared Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr

Not a Sparrowhawk...

Not a Sparrowhawk by Phal44, on Flickr
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The lagoon is a great spot - I've always wondered why most of the houses backing on to it are so tatty though.

Yeah I guess there aren't many that look like they're owned by some uber rich people. I guess most of the rich ones live further down the beach to the east!

This is the first time I've seen anything in the lagoon other than Ducks/Swans/Cormorants and Gulls so it was a pleasant surprise.
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