Phanteks Enthoo Pro M rebuild...

I would move PCI-E cables back to right side. Now it looks a bit worse than it was. Instead of moving I would grab cable combs, which that does help to keep nice routing of them :)
Small cable comb
Large cable comb
depends on cable thickness ;)

Except that - rig shine bright like diamond :D :D
Great job!

Yea I was in 2 minds after I done it. I kept looking at both pics comparing them.. I think if I had 2 cards in Sli then I could get off with bringing the cables up from the bottom but it looks odd with a single card.

Ive been thinking about the cable combs just hadn't seen them so cheers for the link.
had a look in my drawer of bits.. I found a cable comb.. its a bit slack so ill order the smaller cable comb.

quick go at it..

Looks lot better & more tidy :)

DVD-RW goes wireless, or you have transparent cable ? :D Looks like only power cable is connected there?

I was thinking about Phantom GPU (when I was looking to buy GTX 960) but couple things make me away from this one:
• No semi-passive;
• It looks really stunning & outstanding from other cards, but only if the case is inverted;
• No backplate in classic case make it look odd comparing to GPU's on the market.
Have you consider inverted case to expose front f that massive card? That would be great looking rig, especially with this Phantom, seriously...
yea Im happy with the way it look's

both the power and sata cable are braided and connected.

Ive not thought about an inverted case. I did look at them a while ago but none jumped out at me.
to be honest I like the Gainward but im hoping to upgrade at some point this year.
yea Im happy with the way it look's
Neither to say, bro!

both the power and sata cable are braided and connected.
Must be a good job if I couldn't find the one of them. Nice :D

Ive not thought about an inverted case. I did look at them a while ago but none jumped out at me.
Got ya :)

to be honest I like the Gainward but im hoping to upgrade at some point this year.
Awaiting Pascal? Or just the same generation, but level up?
Awaiting Pascal? Or just the same generation, but level up?

Im waiting Pascal and ill see how it compares to the 980ti and then ill decide from there.
the 970 is a great card but the vram will start to hold it back within the next 12 month with newer games I would say.

it does play all my current games on ultra at around 60fps upwards so its not to be knocked at the moment.

Must be a good job if I couldn't find the one of them. Nice :D
yea I managed to get both cables sitting inline with each other and both are braided. the sata cable being that bit slimmer gets hidden behind the power cable.

Ive been thinking about trying to get some braiding put over the usb3 header cable as it stands out like a sore thumb..
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Ive been thinking about trying to get some braiding put over the usb3 header cable as it stands out like a sore thumb..
Thrust me, the real challenge starts when you've got mobo with USB3.0 header - next to I/O :D I had it there on ASRock 970 Extreme3...
Black cable in the place, where it is now? Never an eye-catching thing, so no worries - does look as it should :)
Ive been thinking about trying to get some braiding put over the usb3 header cable as it stands out like a sore thumb..

I think you can get right angled USB 3.0 headers to at least get the USB 3.0 internal plug to sit flush with the motherboard making things neater. I may yet try this myself once I get round to installing the hardware in my case in a couple of weeks.

I'd like to know if you've been able to braid the cables though.
Definitely a proper build
cheers bud.

Ive just upgraded to a better quality PSU Ive went for the XFX XTR 750.

looks a lot nicer in the case compared to the corsair. Ive stuck with the 750 as I think anything bigger would be overkill.

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not a big update but I cant remember if I ever said that I got a little coil whine off my 970 just on certain games it wasnt anything major but I could hear it..

well since fitting the new psu I haven't heard it since.. so that's a bonus.
so I managed to do a deal on my Gainward gtx970 for an Asus Strix Gtx 970 OC edition with the backplate.. loving the new look compared to the gainward and it overclocks so much better and runs a lot cooler.

wee update... swapped my gigabyte board out for a z97 gaming 5 board.

so far ive got a stable overclock of 4.4Ghz and it seems to be running cooler with this board which is a result.

going to see if I can get it over the 4.5 as that was my max with the old board anything over and it would not play game.

My 780TI zotac 3D mark ressults are really bad, i can wait to for the market to open with all the 960 stuff to come and the 490 with all the comparison of high end and mid range graphics card.
My 780TI zotac 3D mark ressults are really bad, i can wait to for the market to open with all the 960 stuff to come and the 490 with all the comparison of high end and mid range graphics card.

My mate was up with his system today and I was surprised how his 780ti performed in valley. I was impressed. his is the Ghz edition though.

Im waiting on the 1060 and hoping it would be a nice upgrade over the 970. if not ill save up for a 1070 or buy a 980ti 2nd hand
small update..

Im now running an i7 4770k @ 4.4Ghz im now waiting on my 2nd replacement 970 so ive got a shot of my mates 780ti again ( not the same card as last time ) so I decided to do a Valley run and again im impressed

so my replacement 970 arrived today so hopefully 3rd time lucky..

ive got it in and had a wee play. its nice and quiet like my first and had it up to 1501 on the core and 1851 on the memory so far. going to increase the memory a wee tad and see if it scores better on fire strike as the 780ti still beats it. ( not by much )

think I either need a 980ti or 1070 in my life...
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