thing is though, manufacturers don't lock their best silicon in things like the 970T, that would be an utterly pointless exercise, so by default its really unlikely the 970T will be cherry picked cores or else they would be used as standard X6. chances are it'll unlock but won't clock any better than a 1055T, which not to sound funny are far from difficult to overclock and get great results most of the time, not sure what is giving folks the idea they are hard to overclock. been using FSB clocking since I first overclocked a processor, with some pretty good results so its really not difficult, its all about sourcing the best components for the task, motherboards that are known to support very high FSB frequencies, this board I use goes upto something frankly stupid like 511 FSB, though my processor won't do it without multiplier reduced.
still failing to understand why the 970T is such a bargain and why all advice to simple save himself the unknowns and go with a 1055T was shunned, also like mentioned above the bus overclocked processor will be
faster than the multiplier overclocked chips, so when the 970T might clock to 4.2GHZ it might be no faster than a 1055T clocked at 4.0GHZ, hell might even be slower! cannot fathom why the dude has purchased a motherboard that isn't equipped to handle X6 processors as well, again shunning advice against it, starting to think either A) he is utterly taking the biscuit and nothing he says is serious, just trying to be a joker, B) he has no clue about what he is doing, in the slightest or C) he actually thinks that by purchasing a 970T and he is somehow going to get a X6 that is faster than standard X6, personally hate seeing people mess up builds.
best mate bought system off the shelf (bad idea) while back, it was claimed to be a 'hardcore gaming system', it has an ATI X1600 Pro for crying out loud, a Pro! the only reason is touted as being a gaming system is because that X1600 has 1024MB VRAM, which apparently automatically makes it better in games, advised him against the purchase but got it anyway, it can't play anything really. so like these 970T which are guaranteed to do this or that, might be too good to be true, just like my mates 'gaming' system, he did no research, took no advice and got shafted. so I stand by my original thought of to hell with the 970T (and all the unknowns) and just get a 1055T, a decent motherboard and a better power supply. maybe we might get a 'OMFG my systemz has just sploded..!' or 'WTF?! my 970T BLCK ED wn't clck past 3.4GHZ...!'.