Phillip Schofield comes out as gay

I was surprised for the first 3 seconds and then though, hmm yeah its not actually hard to believe at all.

Good luck to the guy, can't have been easy keeping that repressed for so long.
Must be weird to get married have kids blah blah hiding the secret. Bit of a huge lie to maintain to your wife, although she's totally ok about it ofc.
Must be weird to get married have kids blah blah hiding the secret. Bit of a huge lie to maintain to your wife, although she's totally ok about it ofc.

How else do you think gay happens, The genes are passed on this way where secretly gay men marry and have kids. Some like my Uncle in law never come out but yet have gay brothers and he had a gay son. But he is apparantly not gay at all! :D

He had the cheek to call me gay once though, As i had a barren run for a bit... The nerve!!!!
I posted this in another thread in GD.

jsmoke said:
Seems kind of fake and attention seeking.

Eh how did you come to that conclusion :rolleyes:

Because these things were a big deal in the 90s or I'm pretty sure I have that correct, Michael Barrymore etc, but nowadays it's not considered a big deal and is largely acceptable, again I'm pretty sure I have that correct, in this country at least, so who cares, why does he need the maximum attention/exposure that he's seeking...

I dunno it was just a thought I'm sure it's not the complete picture but part of it.
Must be weird to get married have kids blah blah hiding the secret. Bit of a huge lie to maintain to your wife, although she's totally ok about it ofc.
maybe it says something about the stigma of coming out and how people can be pressured into a "normal" life despite the way they feel underneath.

Must be incredibly hard deciding how to do whats best for your family and your own well-being mentally.

It sounds like something he and his family have been (trying to) coming to terms with for a while.

Respect to him for making the decision and I hope he doesn't get dragged around the main stream and social media too much.
How else do you think gay happens, The genes are passed on this way where secretly gay men marry and have kids. Some like my Uncle in law never come out but yet have gay brothers and he had a gay son. But he is apparantly not gay at all! :D

He had the cheek to call me gay once though, As i had a barren run for a bit... The nerve!!!!

That would make my dad or mum gay so.... Given all my experience of my life I'll pass on your science, and my cousin's parents... Damn my entire family is gay....
You really do live in some bizzare fantasy World.

What is the Science then on why it happens when gay people can not reproduce. Like in ancient times you had people like the Spartans and Theban Band being gay. Yet others have no such urges? What else explains that?
not really surprised nor bothered either. each to their own. my mam is shocked though she loves him.
Good on him but "brave". He's not exactly living in Iran or the Bible belt.

I bet his wife owns a few strap-ons ;)
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