Phillip Schofield comes out as gay

What is the Science then on why it happens when gay people can not reproduce. Like in ancient times you had people like the Spartans and Theban Band being gay. Yet others have no such urges? What else explains that?
Oh, you're serious?? I was about to go "you people really don't get tongue-in-cheek/sarcasm" but... you are actually serious? Jesus wept.
When Gino did his cookery bit on This Morning I guess his "sausage in da hole" wasn't referring to Phil and Holly's dressing room antics after all.
Live reaction as Gordon hears the news.....

How else do you think gay happens, The genes are passed on this way where secretly gay men marry and have kids. Some like my Uncle in law never come out but yet have gay brothers and he had a gay son. But he is apparantly not gay at all! :D

He had the cheek to call me gay once though, As i had a barren run for a bit... The nerve!!!!

Hah nice bait, should get someone to bite thinking you're serious! :p are serious?
Am I the only one who finds someone's sexual preference irrelevant/boring

Definitely not. Most people I meet nowadays (under the age of 40...) just don't care one bit. There's the odd outlier of course, but they are well in the minority.
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