Phillip Schofield comes out as gay

I assume by admitting he is homosexual he probably has slept with a man?

Excuse my naivety but could you be sure you are without doing the deed?

If so its quite an odd situation. If he has had relations with a man he has come out on top 'no pun intended'.

However if he had had relations with another woman it would be being portrayed rather differently.

This only came to mind as they were talking on the radio that he may have timed it so it is out in the open before it is exposed by somebody else.

Who knows. To be honest people being gay isn't a big deal nowadays.
This only came to mind as they were talking on the radio that he may have timed it so it is out in the open before it is exposed by somebody else.

Who knows. To be honest people being gay isn't a big deal nowadays.

Cheating on your spouse is still (just about) frowned upon though, which I guess was partly your point.
It's more surprising people are surprised, I also feels it's abit **** on his family he is getting so much praise and support.

He has essentially lied to his wife and family for many many years.
Shame he couldn't feel he could come out years ago.

Loads of memes circulating that I'm sure you've all probably seen already. This one got me most though


The way it was all orchestrated yesterday had me thinking that this is a cash-in being professionally lined up. I also get the impression his wife has known for years.

He's hasn't quite stolen Tom Daly's No **** Sherlock badge, but it's certainly up there. I had no interest in what he chooses to do with his penis before the "news", and nothing much has changed since.
I have no interest in whether he is straight or gay. It's completely acceptable to be gay nowadays, and quite rightly so. He may or may not have had an affair and I will assume for now that he hasn't.

When sexuality and faithfulness is taken out of the situation we are just left with a person who realises he has married the wrong person and stayed with them for many years knowing it. There are many, many, many people who do that every day, often staying together for the sake of their children. So I don't see why his case is any different, or why it deserves so much attention.

Also... Surprised not!
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