Phillip Schofield comes out as gay

If he wasn't sexually attracted to her, why did they keep having sex? They've got two kids, for crying out loud. A man can't have full penetrative sex without sexual arousal, and he can't be sexually aroused by a woman if he's gay.

Gay men don't have sex with heterosexual women, for the simple fact that they're not sexually attracted to women. That's the whole point of being a gay man.

Schoolchild needs to man up, admit he is bi, and decide what he's going to do about it.
I don't think you'll find that's 100% true.

In past times it was quite normal for gay men to be married, and even father children, all whilst hiding/repressing their preference for men.

It's hardly a new thing to think of something/someone else during sex :p
I don't think you'll find that's 100% true.

In past times it was quite normal for gay men to be married, and even father children, all whilst hiding/repressing their preference for men.

It's hardly a new thing to think of something/someone else during sex :p
You sound like a man of experience
If he wasn't sexually attracted to her, why did they keep having sex? They've got two kids, for crying out loud. A man can't have full penetrative sex without sexual arousal, and he can't be sexually aroused by a woman if he's gay.

Gay men don't have sex with heterosexual women, for the simple fact that they're not sexually attracted to women. That's the whole point of being a gay man.

Schoolchild needs to man up, admit he is bi, and decide what he's going to do about it.

True he did ejaculate so he must have been mentally elsewhere or he is bi and if so why leave her if you are bi you must like men and women. So if he were to do anything like leave it would say to me he was being pervy and wants to spend the rest of his life as a famous silverfox drowning in a sea of young anus.

And if he stays then why even mention it? It means you are a massive attention seeker cashing in on the bandwagon. Maybe looking for a higher salary if possible. And if he lastly outs himself as being gay not bi then he lied to his wife and deprived her of finding her true love and wasting 27 years. He does not come out of this clean when GD starts to investigate and twist things. :D
Apparently quite a lot, considering it's the most popular article on the BBC News website at the moment.

A famous person's pants falling down due to a loose belt would be equally as headline newsy. Doesn't mean squat in the grand scheme of things. Every day is a slow news day :p
If he wasn't sexually attracted to her, why did they keep having sex? They've got two kids, for crying out loud. A man can't have full penetrative sex without sexual arousal, and he can't be sexually aroused by a woman if he's gay.
In my younger years I enjoyed horizontal refreshment with many a lady I wasn't sexually attracted to - your sexual organs react to different sensations to your brain.

The morning after is a different story though.
I couldn't care less until I found out he had been married for 27 years. Poor woman has lived a lie her entire life. She now knows when he looks in her eyes he is looking for a spam javelin now.

He also looks sick and very frail. I reckon he has aids.
I couldnt care less if he is gay or not tbh BUT why announce it before going on tv. Then have an interview labelled up to have maximum publicity and viewers.
Why is this even news in this day and age?

It's not other than him making it so with the announcement but other than that it shouldn't matter other than him working through whatever is happening with regards to his marriage and family.
Of course it's news, he's one of the top TV presenters in the UK and has been for decades.

I wish him all the best and hope things work out as well as they can with his home life.
Seriously, who cares?
He just works on TV, he's not our friend, or family, just some guy on the TV that people watch.
It is of no concern to myself, to any of you, or anyone else in this world what he is, or wants to be, it affects only himself, his family and his friends.

Anyway, I though he came out as grey years ago ;)
Wonder what the arrangement there is gonna be, kinda doubt she'll be in the same bed when Gordon calls over to spend the night. Gordon in this case being a large man with more back hair than a Gorilla.
famous sketch with Gerard the Gorilla - for those with long memories

He hadn't said his wife didn't know from day zero;
you have to sympathise too with footballers too. who would like to be more open, but feel homophobia is still ever present; but, he's not said if he had similar concerns.
I don't understand people's fascination with what people (famous or not) do with their junk. We're all a lot more than our sexualities.

Unless you're making me uncomfortable with unwanted attention (physical or otherwise) then you do you, you don't need anyone else's validation.

If the feud between him and Ruth is to be believed maybe she was threatening to out him, just a thought ;)
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