Phone camera thread

Couple instagram photos taken on my iP5.


Here's a diptych taken with my phone ;)


Last year I had one photo selected. This year I have two. I'm slowly taking over the calendar at work. I consider this progress ;)
Clown how do you normally PP your photos?
Depends what I feel like doing to it. That one I just posted was done in Snapseed and Instagram, exported to Dropbox and then exported from Lightroom just so I could upload to Flickr.

Clapham High Street London Overground Station. by Clwn, on Flickr

This one was just Snapseed and then exported from Lightroom.

Sometimes I will process in Lightroom if I need to or feel like playing :)
I was glad I had a camera phone with me when a local subway got flooded. My favourite shot was too blurry due to camera shake but this one came out well too:


Sony Xperia Mini Pro.
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