photoshop/permier pro build

Well its now been running for a few day.

The fan tensd to hum and ossilate which I gather is a trait of the stock AMD fan so was wondering if there is a quiet replacement that would have some future proofering if I decided to undertake to mild overclcoking?

Maybe this Noctua NH-L9x65
Been doing some mores setting up and testing.

I ended up overclocing to 4.0GHz as I felt that was the best compromise between stabity and quietness.

However I am now testing Premier Pro rendering and now think I have cocked up.

My videos are faily simple with little to no effects.

Did a test with a 4min 15 sec vid clip and rendered CPU onlu and CPU+GPU. Render time was exactly the same :(

So I maybe should have saved the money for the 1060 and increased my spend on CPU/Mobo, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
prog is on m.2. Source files on HDD, SCrath and media on SSD

Yes, I relise now that PremPro only uses GPU for some effects. This is why there is not difference as not effects on my videos except transitions
Interestest test I did

Installed Davinci of my gamimg rig, which is what I used to use for video editing

Intel i7-5820
32G Ram
Nvidia 1080ti

Davinci = 18mins!!!
Prem Pro = 4min 30 sec

GPU, although playing a part in the process, getting a 1080ti over a 1060 will not reap cost to gian improvement. Remember my videos do not have any noticable effects
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