Photoshop request

2 Pints.... :D


@Pooh if you could talk me through how you did that I would be eternally greatful

Hi Grebo

I'd love to be able to take you through the process step by step, but, and I really don't want to sound like I'm up my own a**e here, it's nigh on impossible to describe step by step as it involves lots of playing around with layers, erase tools, masking, cloning etc. It would be like me giving you the notes to play a tune on a piano along with a set of instructions and expecting you to knock out the tune like someone who had been playing for years, straight off the bat. You need to learn the feel for it, what will work, what won't and how to cheat. Like a lot of things no real substitute for practice.

For what it's worth create lots of copies of the image as individual layers so if you screw up you can easily fix it. You really need a decent graphics tablet as well and a bit of patience. Erase all the crappy stuff, create a mask, then start refining and filling in the empty areas

Work in progress, about 75% there

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Holy moly Pooh! That is some amazing work! Thank you so much :). The important thing is learning it myself. I basically need to get into layers, only used them a handful of times and nowhere near this level of manipulation.
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