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Phyx Help

22 Jan 2010
Quick help needed

Ok, so once you have done all the steps in safe mode etc.

Where is the Nvidia control panel you talk of?

if it is part of the driver system nvidia use such as CCC then how do you get the 8800gt drivers to work with win7?

Not an nvidia user here.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Where is the Nvidia control panel you talk of?
Right click the desktop.
22 Jan 2010
Thanks, can any one get me a dl link for ContainForum's Fix 1.0.1 that i need i cannot find it >.<

And how do i enable PhysX in the Nvidia control panel?

And thos applets you have showing temps, where did you get them?
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22 Jan 2010
So to get this to work you must.

1. Install driver for your PhysX card.
2. DL the Genl mod and apply it in safe mode and restart.
3. Dl and apply the ContainForums fix 1.0.1 and restart.
4. Dl and apply the Containforums fix 1.0.2 and restart.
5. Open your Nvidia Control panel and enable PhyX.

A. So my question is... How do i apply the GenL mod? i have restarted in safe mode and its not very straight forwards, the GenL mod comes up with an application that has three options:

1. Burn
2. Cake
3. Info

So which am i meant to click and what am i meant to do here?

B. How do i apply the ContainForums Fix 1.0.1 and 1.0.2?

C. How do i enable the PhysX in the Nvidia control panel?

Thanks for your feedback.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
A. So my question is... How do i apply the GenL mod? i have restarted in safe mode and its not very straight forwards, the GenL mod comes up with an application that has three options:

1. Burn
2. Cake
3. Info

So which am i meant to click and what am i meant to do here?

B. How do i apply the ContainForums Fix 1.0.1 and 1.0.2?

C. How do i enable the PhysX in the Nvidia control panel?

Thanks for your feedback.
In safemode (after you have installed nvidia drivers) click burn and it will patch two files. Then right click the program in the taskbar and exit the program. Then reboot PC normally.

i-Just run the ContainForums Fix 1.0.1 and say yes to 'overwrite files' then reboot.
ii-Then run the ContainForums Fix 1.0.2 then reboot.
iii-Then enable physx- in Nvidia Control Panel and press apply at the bottom of the window.

The gadgets for the gpu is 'GPU Observer', you can get it from
13 Aug 2008
Don't use Containforums fix as GenL who wrote the original mod says he's just replaced old Physx files over some of the newer ones in the latest Physx system software packages.

The best combination is to install the 196.34 drivers and apply the GenL's mod in safe mode. You don't need your monitor attached to the Physx card but you do need to extend your desktop to it. To do this right click your desktop and select Screen Resolution and then detect VGA.

It should then detect your Physx card without the monitor attached so extend your desktop to it. (You can move the virtual position of your virtual desktop around your main display by dragging it so move it somewhere where it won't cause problems in a corner or something.)

Check Hardware Physx is enabled in Nvidia control panel and run Fluidmark for a bit to confirm.

Now install Physx SS .222 which is in Metro 2033's install file which is itself within the main program file.

Check Hardware Physx still works as above.

There is no working fix for the later 197.** drivers as Nvidia have implemented further security. Amazingly GenL wrote the mod and he does not have either Win 7 or a Nvidia card. He has said he's going to get both and try to write a new mod, but I don't think he's in a massive rush.
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22 Jan 2010
Thanks for you input guys. I have just done all the steps said at the start and on the final step (when i enable physx i cannot do it as the option isnt there...... check picture:

I am using an 8800GT and Win 7 (5870's in Xfire)


And now i am hating nvidia drivers allready -.-
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22 Jan 2010

Not sure why but i undd everything i had done and re did it, and it has worked.

Thansk for the fast responses though guys :>

problem solved PhysX is working.

I am getting about 160 fps constant with a dip from about 600 fps at the start. Pretty good i think :>

Anything else that i can do to make sure my 8800 is doing its job?
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13 Aug 2008

Is that using Containforums fix?

Update: You can download containforum’s fix 1.02 here (25 mb). GenL mod must be applied firstly.

Update #2: comment from GenL

Result can’t be called a “patch” anyway. This package contains several unmodified (unpatched) files from PhysX SS v9.09.1112 and v9.10.0129. While this can’t be a proper solution for newer versions of PhysX SS, i’m surprised it worked for people

Update #3: Extended display fix only.

It’s recommended to use it with 196.34 drivers and latest PhysX System Software.

Please use this post or comment at youtube to report if this fix is working with other GPU PhysX games, or any problems you will encounter.

From Physxinfo:


They are now saying use the 196.34's with Physx SS .222

So, uhm, yeah I'm right....
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Is that using Containforums fix?
Yes, using 1.01 then 1.02 applied on top of 1.01.

'While this can’t be a proper solution for newer versions of PhysX SS, i’m surprised it worked for people'

As he said he is suprised it is working for some(like me), if it wasn't working he would not have said it wasn't working.

So, uhm, yeah I'm right....

Are you still right? I'm afraid not.

Sure if you wan't guaranteed working physx then use the use the 196.34's.
But as i found out to my benefit, there is no harm trying to get the 197.13's to work. If they don't then fall back to the 196.34's.
13 Aug 2008
Yes, using 1.01 then 1.02 applied on top of 1.01.

'While this can’t be a proper solution for newer versions of PhysX SS, i’m surprised it worked for people'

As he said he is suprised it is working for some(like me), if it wasn't working he would not have said it wasn't working.

Are you still right? I'm afraid not.

Sure if you wan't guaranteed working physx then use the use the 196.34's.
But as i found out to my benefit, there is no harm trying to get the 197.13's to work. If they don't then fall back to the 196.34's.

You'll find Metro 2033 isn't working. The reason for this is because a random guy on the internet has just took some old files, changed their filenames and whacked them in an exe file that simply overwrites your shiny new correct files with the old ones.
So yeah I'm right. Don't think I haven't tested it as I have.
22 Jan 2010
You'll find Metro 2033 isn't working. The reason for this is because a random guy on the internet has just took some old files, changed their filenames and whacked them in an exe file that simply overwrites your shiny new correct files with the old ones.
So yeah I'm right. Don't think I haven't tested it as I have.

/care about 2033 its awful.
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
You'll find Metro 2033 isn't working. The reason for this is because a random guy on the internet has just took some old files, changed their filenames and whacked them in an exe file that simply overwrites your shiny new correct files with the old ones.
So yeah I'm right. Don't think I haven't tested it as I have.

I will once again point you to what the man said that made the files
quote: 'i’m surprised it worked for people'

It works for me, yes there are people whom it doesn't work for-yourself included i'm afraid but I fall into the bracket of 'i’m surprised it worked for people'.

We can debate it all day but i will leave you with the quote once again...

'i’m surprised it worked for people'
13 Aug 2008
I will once again point you to what the man said that made the files
quote: 'i’m surprised it worked for people'

It works for me, yes there are people whom it doesn't work for-yourself included i'm afraid but I fall into the bracket of 'i’m surprised it worked for people'.

We can debate it all day but i will leave you with the quote once again...

'i’m surprised it worked for people'

It works because you've just installed renamed old files, nothing more than that. It does appear to work initially but when you play newer stuff it does not. Metro 2033 slows to a crawl in some areas with it for instance, but I can run Fluidmark all day.

There's very little difference between actual display drivers when it comes to performance in Physx but you do need the newer Physx system software files when it comes to playing the latest stuff.

The 196.34's with the Physx system software .222 works with ALL current physx titles including the two that are worth playing. There is NO performance benefit using newer 197.** drivers and the other pretend hack that isn't a actually a hack.

If you want to use it to pretend you have working Physx, then crack on but don't advise new people who are trying to play new titles such as Metro 2033 to use it as it don't work fella...... Performance is awful with that tinpot "hack" as GPU physx simply does not work. The guy how wrote it even admits he has no idea when it comes to code, he's just re-naming files and guessing. Read the all comments over at Physxinfo.
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
First you say this-
It does appear to work initially but when you play newer stuff it does not. Metro 2033 slows to a crawl in some areas with it for instance, but I can run Fluidmark all day.

Then contradict yourself with
don't advise new people who are trying to play new titles such as Metro 2033 to use it as it don't work fella......

As you said metro crawls in some areas, but it still works.
Also I have not advised anyone who is 'trying to play new titles such as Metro 2033'

I can't help it if it works for me and others but not for some, blame Nvidia for making it hard for us people that just wan't to play the games within our means.

The thread is called 'Phyx Help'. NOT 'Get Metro Physx Working on Hybrid 197 drivers'. Also ask Schoieuk if he now has physx working on his rig?

I thought I could give a helping hand and I get hit with
'as it don't work fella......'

Whats that all about?
I was told this was a great forum with helpful people here.
Yep its a real friendly place.
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