Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW


Is that a Pulsar watch?
willems said:
do you get bad ghosting through the aerial on yours mate?

dont use aerial cus havn't got it in my house (student), and use virgin digital. the aerial out of the virgin box is ok though, bit rough cus its not the best of signals but no ghosting that I can see. Cracking screen for everything else though.
i would show mine but the g/fs draped naked over it at the moment :P

Im in the process of redesigning the office, going to have a long sweeping desk around 2 walls that will house a few PCs and a laptop and a TV.

Plus, loads of shelf space for books and cds/dvds/games.

Got to buy some decent TFT screens as well, a 17" crt is fine but takes up so much space. I just dont want the quality to take a dive on games!
I'm pleasently suprised at the number of macs in this this thread, thought it would be a load of Wintels
Hamish said:
I'm pleasently suprised at the number of macs in this this thread, thought it would be a load of Wintels

Also have a Dual G5 Powermac at home!

OS X is just better as a whole, The only reason i keep my pc is for games.

Hamish said:
I'm pleasently suprised at the number of macs in this this thread, thought it would be a load of Wintels

the one on my post was a freebie from the school for the bairn (they all have to use them @ home for projects so to be fair everyone gets one)
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