Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW

DRZ said:
Having to cram my life/computer/especially hifi into my crappy small uni room sucks, but here is my world as it is right now:



Links now working...

Castle Irwell Halls by any chance?
Got.soul said:
Just doin some model making for uni- thats the stuff on the right


That is a huge long desk for uni, wish mine was that big, I had to move stuff away to make models/draw on the desk.
not looked at every1's yet but this is prob one of the most messy lol!!! (just good thing u can't see the rest of my room hehe.
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Cheers for the comments :)

Mikol - It's called Flurry as pointed out / linked to by Doohickey.

dannyjo22 - It's called the "Living Dimensions L Workcentre". It comes in Maple and Cherry. Maple is better ;) Link to it here.

They claim it retails at £469 which is an outright lie. The place myself and my friend bought ours from ( doesn't exist anymore ) was £299. Shame they've upped the price of it really.

Blighter - I went into a lighting shop and asked them about a blue light tube ( or green or red depending on your tastes ). They didn't have one so they guy took a blacklight tube, took the blacklight out of the enclosure and put in a blue one for me. Nice bloke. It just plugs into a wall socket.

Here's two pics with my housemates camera phone to give you an idea.
These images spoil the illusion ;)



Hope this helps!
Doohickey said:
HOW many screens?! :p

And I have the exact same keyboard :D

keyboard rocks, but you proberbly already know that,

as for the screens I'm looking to get another one and mount it above the main dell and the left LG, basicly right infront of the two white lamps, problem I'm having though is finding a stand that will enable me to do that so if anyone has any ideas :)
lowrider007 said:
keyboard rocks, but you proberbly already know that,

as for the screens I'm looking to get another one and mount it above the main dell and the left LG, basicly right infront of the two white lamps, problem I'm having though is finding a stand that will enable me to do that so if anyone has any ideas :)

You probably wouldn't want to resort to taking a drill to your wall, but you could maybe wall mount the tft on a swing arm type thing and extend it off the wall behind? If that makes any sense... :p
D33 said:
dannyjo22 - It's called the "Living Dimensions L Workcentre". It comes in Maple and Cherry. Maple is better ;) Link to it here.

They claim it retails at £469 which is an outright lie. The place myself and my friend bought ours from ( doesn't exist anymore ) was £299. Shame they've upped the price of it really.

Thanks for that, weird thing is when I was searching for a desk a while ago I saw that one on that very website. But it didnt look as good as it does in your picture. When I get home if it's ok can I mail your trust address to ask you a dimension before I order?

Thanks again.
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