Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW

Smiley Man said:

that is actually it at the moment, unlike some here :p

Lots of pills and a bag of Ganj, nice :D
B&W said:
as tidy as always.

just feel that either the case should be in the corner out of the way not right up against you, like perhaps where the speaker and amp is along that wall, that or put your monitor there and face in towards the corner when using it ;)
Lysander said:
Is your 'desk' actually just a plank of wood?

many planks of wood :p

the pills :p are all legal, although some people wish they weren't ;) :D

tis funny when people come in my room and go "omg pillzzz are they e's" when they're actually tesco multivits
mrk said:
You has a 400D, nice :) I have a 350D still, getting new 24-70 2.8 lens this month too xD The kit lens you have there is also "not bad" really, good for closeup work.

yup, i'm not sure what to get next, which lens i mean, im not sure whether i'll need the full zoom of 300mm to get close ups of animals and wildlife. maybe ij ust need a 200mm. how much is the lens your getting? and what is its best use?
-Tauren- said:
from reading, it seems like lsd. or some variant. :p

Yeah Magic Mushrooms, or Mushies.

They were legal up till the other year there. Used to buy them out of a shop off the high street.

Very bad for your mental health I think!
-Tauren- said:
I know, i think they are still legal here, as long as you dont cook em, or serve em up somwhow.

Yes thats correct. But that was the law regarding the selling of magic mushrooms or mexican truffles etc.

They (retailers) could sell them if they were freshly cut and not prepared in anyway. Ie you bought a small pallet of mushrooms lol.

The law never said anything about the possesion or consumption, until it was classified as a prohibited drug.
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