How much dosh you got to play with?
Thought maybe a couple of hundred would cover it for a chair? Can't say I've properly looked at any from non-mainstream furniture retailers.
How much dosh you got to play with?
There shall be a new desk. First though, my desk, right now.
Fixing resolution will happen when I get to a real computer...
Officially self employed as of a week ago so home office is a work in progress... Not exactly a man cave as I'm sharing it with the other half but I'll get some testosterone on my side in no time..
First things first, a new bloody chair - currently using this one when the mrs is at work and it's hellish. Any suggestions?
Well ill recommend the Ikea Markus since you seem to like Ikea, though it irks me your table top is different to the one next to it, and you have a white theme going on and using a black trestle leg
I'm liking that desk very much. Which is it?
Cheers mate its the Maja Mobel.
Cheers buddy. It's the Maja Mobel 1670.
Twice... make your mind up is he your buddy or mate
Gaming Sundays!
Gaming Sundays!
Could the keyboard wire go under your central speaker? Please?
It's is. Must be the the photo
#notsureifbeingseriousnowIt isn't. I saw it earlier. Its definitely trailing over the speaker. Posters taken the pic down
What's the cable on left side of speaker then