Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW

testing new monitor arrangement
2x27" 4k & 1080 (gsync) + 48" cx by LG & poor old 1080ti struggling :D

At first glance I was like hmm.
But then I thought, actually I do like this.

May I ask what are the 27" monitors? I assume just using it for browsing etc?

They look like they measure quite well against the 48" CX. I.e. the height.
At first glance I was like hmm.
But then I thought, actually I do like this.

May I ask what are the 27" monitors? I assume just using it for browsing etc?

They look like they measure quite well against the 48" CX. I.e. the height.

4k pg2879q

Used for browsing, YouTube, programming. Anything non gaming

Great for programming saves scrolling and you can read 120 lines before new line.
Damn, that 48" looks smaller than I expected. How do you find it for gaming sat right infront of it?
Its Pretty good would like to be a little further back though!.

I mainly game in single player Story type games like: AC,Witcher,Cyperpunk 2077 that sort of thing so its good I do play some OW every so often, but i would not suggest it for those types of games unless you can be Further back than i am,
Desk has changed a lot recently as well. I've decided to go quite minimalist and just use a laptop. Currently using my work laptop until September then I will likely get a Macbook Pro. Painted the back wall and plan to add a frame in the centre of the wall.

Desperately need an office chair but haven't decided on which one yet.


M1 MBA + some other tweaks.


Had a bit of a move around and MBP has been replaced by an M1 Mini. Still need to tidy up some cables but need to replace virtually every cable with longer ones which will be a pain

Had a bit of a move around and MBP has been replaced by an M1 Mini. Still need to tidy up some cables but need to replace virtually every cable with longer ones which will be a pain

Bro, why, why you do this. Now you have 2 coasters placed at the furthest ends of the desk. Pls.

Had a bit of a move around and MBP has been replaced by an M1 Mini. Still need to tidy up some cables but need to replace virtually every cable with longer ones which will be a pain

How did you manage to challenge Colonel Gaddafi to the game you're playing? :p
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