I think it needs a tidy up
Brothers cider
pile of bills and wage packets
messy cabling
Pot with a dead chilli plant in it
Pretty embarrassing, I didn't think it looked that messy. Will be tidying up on friday know.
Ikea. Tis a Jonas Desk and for £89.99 you can have one to!. I think i should create a Jonas Owner Thread
lol, looks a right dump get it tidy man
Thanks! it's a nice desk and would match my bedroom furniture, I think we have an Ikea opening this neck of the woods soon too.
I play on one screen and have either msn convo's/websites there for reading when I get killed or my library of music vids/Other material on other screen playing when I'm gaming.
My desk is from staples and that was 3-4 years ago. I also managed to nab it for half price cause it was ex-display in new condition. Bought it by chance as I went to buy one for full price, heh
I'll have 2 sugars
Where'd you get that desk Dannyjo22? It's nice
^ I like that desk also, any links to where I could get it from?