Pic: Your desk...RIGHT NOW

My uni desk area... (well half of it) mac mini on the way.

what is it with us overclockers and pc enthusiats and empty mugs and bowls! lol, i got 6 mugs and a bowl all empty atm.

Relatively tidy. Empty pack of Hula Hoops, a magazine and some headphones the only things out of place.

firstly guys.... please stop using imageshack because their bandwidth limits are terrible both me and yhack have free image hosting and (not sure about yhack) but mine doesnt haveany limit



I would post mine but meant to be sleeping... might take one in a mo anyway though.... hmmm.... ;)
Rapid-D said:
Looking great. Very eh artistic :D.

I would post mine but I'm to shocked to even look at the mess that is my desk.

It was a state earlier as its become my work bench. But just done a huge tidy up and then I saw the thread so I thought i'd show of my tidying skills!!!
blighter said:
firstly guys.... please stop using imageshack because their bandwidth limits are terrible both me and yhack have free image hosting and (not sure about yhack) but mine doesnt haveany limit

I've got my own hosting but just being lazy as imageshack is quicker!
ok, i found 3 from just after i moved my room around and just took one so here they are:



yak.h'cir said:
I've got my own hosting but just being lazy as imageshack is quicker!
if you mean quicker to host then you havent seen yhacks one ;)
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