[PIC_THREAD] Nature, Flora and Fauna

Few more indoor pics at the weekend. Think am getting better at lighting. You be the judge.

Comments and crits very welcome. If you know how I can improve, I'd like to know!

This first one I had a little play in photoshop trying to extract subject to put in front of different background. Just a little bit of experimenting.

Gerbera by chris_rabe, on Flickr

Rose by chris_rabe, on Flickr

Rose by chris_rabe, on Flickr

Sunflower by chris_rabe, on Flickr

Sunflower by chris_rabe, on Flickr

Bergera by chris_rabe, on Flickr
Here's a couple of pictures from my recent trip:



Hope you like? As always constructive criticism is appreciated. :)
Hi guys, I've just picked up a dslr and would really appreciate some feedback. These photos are unprocessed unless you count resizing them, so any tips you would like to share would be awesome.






Hi guys, I've just picked up a dslr and would really appreciate some feedback. These photos are unprocessed unless you count resizing them, so any tips you would like to share would be awesome.


Quite cool to catch the fish doing stuff like that :) Processing would help since you could crop in a bit and get rid of some of the empty space.

The flower shots seem to lack some kind of focus for me. There's a lot going on but nothing in particular stands out as something you were aiming to photograph. Again, processing might help but I think you'd need to get closer to whatever you wanted to shoot first.
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