[PIC_THREAD] People, Portraits, Street

How about this one?

True story. A friend of my Grandma bought a car. Years later she commented on the colour. That's when her friend found out he was colour blind.

Slightly pink there, not too bad though.

Rojin could you print screen the page and paste the relevant parts into this thread? That way we can tell if it's the initial ICC profile that's messing with it

Viewing this on the iPad at the moment...
I hope you don't mind me posting your image?


The chaps face here has the blotchyness I was on about. It's as if the tones go from light to dark without any midtones? It's not that pronounced here though tbh, as it has been in other shots in the past. It's also on the lasses cheeks a tad as well.
Aye, but it looks more graduated in the above crop? In the PP version the lighter skin tones have been lightened, but the darker have stayed?
4 is good. Not sure about having one massive catchlight and the other less than half the size (especially obvious on 3). Also catchlights are messing with the pupils, I would increase the height of the softbox personally.
Some lovely shots there - liking the backdrops.... Where did you get them from ?

Last shot - her shoulders being pushed forward almost makes her look like her head is on back to front :-)
Last shot was experimental, as I'm still very much in the experimental stages of portrait photography... I also love clavicle shadows.. I'll improve upon that...

The back drops are a mixture of the Urban Lastolite and 100mm thick polystyrene boards with fabrics taped and stapled. This allows me two backdrop per board. The boards are light weight and keep the fabrics wrinkle free.

I disagree with the catchlight intersecting with the pupil, changing the height of the light would make little difference to the size and position of the catchlight in the pupil but it would change the light fall off and the shadows across the nose. I've also seen hundreds of fashion photographs with catchlights intersecting the pupil ..But thats an opinion and it's cool... Im just sharing my alternate view.*

It just looks weird to me, the catchlight chops the pupil in half vertically, not horizontally which wouldn't look un-normal.
Also the lack of catchlight symmetry points to poor placement imo
Thanks mrk!

Some more shots from the shoot I did last month:



Is this processing style something you're going to feature more often or replace previous styles? This kind of vintage look works nicely especially since the skin tones look right as well given the rest of the colour 'era' on show :)
Shouldn't need to google it, one massive catchlight and one much smaller one looks odd.
Togs like Zach Arias will have the soft box high, but just low enough that it illuminates the eyes.
The lack of "catchlight symmetry", that's the first time I have heard that expression. I searched google and it brought me back here... lol... Ok fair enough :)

imo it does look weird, and while it may not be up there on the list of things a new photographer should be careful to avoid, at the same time I've never seen images in magazines etc. with catchlights so decidedly lop sided. It may be that they get photoshopped back to a less unsettling size differential before getting sent to magazines, but it still does look a bit strange having them be different. I get that it's very difficult to both be conscious of the way the light is falling /and/ your catchlights as they both tend to require very different lighting but that doesn't mean that they're not worth considering.
Is this processing style something you're going to feature more often or replace previous styles? This kind of vintage look works nicely especially since the skin tones look right as well given the rest of the colour 'era' on show :)

I Agree, they look really good.

Cheers guys! mrk, it's not going to be my main processing style but it's definitely going to be used more, it's a refinement of the cross processing I've been doing since ~2007. There's a cooler (in terms of colour temp) preset I've made as well, but I shot anything that would suit it.
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