[PIC_THREAD] Sports, Action, Transportation


LH the day was mega hot & heat haze so pics on there ground was difficult for me.
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Really need to get down to LH, just put off by how busy it gets and finding no parking, got enough typhoon pics to sink a battleship now.

Lots of f15s & f35s the 35s rattle your spine on full burn.

I ride a motorcycle so parking ok but can be busy, Wednesdays & Thursdays are good no weekend activity.
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Lovely did you light paint ?
Not light painting as such, the organisers have LED floodlights set around the aircraft to light it, you still need a long exposure for the photographs to get the light light trails from the wings when they do the wing folds etc, these were 30 second exposures.
Not light painting as such, the organisers have LED floodlights set around the aircraft to light it, you still need a long exposure for the photographs to get the light light trails from the wings when they do the wing folds etc, these were 30 second exposures.
Nice, I have done some motorcycles light painting about 30s a shot depends how quick I can move around the bike I have to carry all my kit on a motorcycle so I am limited to the gear I can carry would like a battery operated fold away soft box if there is such a thing.
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