Pics of new car! (56K and possible chav mods)

28 Jul 2003

I picked up my (Mk5) Zetec S on New Years Day but havent had a chance to upload some pics.
Today i spent about 3 hours washing it and putting wax and trim cleaner on.
Hope you like the pics and i hope you don't think it is too chavvy :p
The current modifications on it are:
17" Kyowa Racing Alloys
Lowered 40mm
Powerflow full system exhaust (cat-back)
CAT 1 Cobra Alarm
As well as other bits here and there.

Here are some pics i took after washing it:



My subs and amp as well 6x9's. Hopefully should be getting a set of Vibe QB's soon!

I know my car isnt to everyones tastes and may be seen by some as being 'chavved up' but i personally dont think it looks chavvy.
O yeah, the exhaust sounds soo nice and my neighbours love it with i floor it ;)

EDIT: Photobucket auto-resizes my pics as they are over 512KB. I'll sort out some other hosting in a sec.
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Morba said:
i bet you cant even hear the 6x9s!

blue sidelight bulbs? if so, thats the only chav part that i can see :p

I've set the gain quite low on the amp so the balance between the 6x9's and the subs is fine.
The previous owner was a Mercedes Mechanic so he shoved some Mercedes bits on the Zetec S. One of the bits being the blue indicator blubs.
I like them, they look different. You normally see ZS's de-tangoed (orange bit taken out) and they replace the indicator blubs with either chrome bulbs (look nice) or fried eggs (orange bulbs). Blue is unusual and stands out, i like it ;)
olv said:
what happened to your boot, you can't fit anything in there :o

lol tell me about it.
I have been thinking about buying just 1 10 or 12" sub so i can have some boot space but naaa!
Dont need bootspace and when i have needed to have bootspace (had to take my car shopping) then it only takes about 5 mins to take out the sub box.
One thing i wanted to ask!
Occasionally i have to take out my sub box if i need the boot space. I just disconnect the speaker cables that go from amp to subs. I also put electrical tape round the ends of them just in case.
Is it necessary to put tape round the ends? What happens if the + and - come in contact? I dont want to blow the fuse in my amp.
agw_01 said:
They're the Philips bluevision ones or something like that aren't they?

A friend of mine has them on his Clio. Not to my tastes but better than the orange.

Car looks good though. Would look much better if the indicator bulbs were just clear.

Exhaust is a tad large, but not too OTT. What am I saying, I love big exhausts :D (as long as they're not fitted to a 1.1 or something)

I'm just glad the exhaust is fitted to a car with a respectable engine and not a 1.1 hair dryer!
The arches have been rolled as well.
I tested this out with the help of 4 friends in the bakc of my car bouncing up and down as i drove along.
The wheels only rubbed as i went over a speed bump:P
Matt82 said:
what have you gained from any of those mods?

Satisfaction that my Zetec S isnt like any other Zetec S on the road.
I suppose modifying cars is still a taboo subject in that does modifying a car mean that you are actually 'chaving' it up.

I bought the car with the exhaust and alloys on it. The previous owner was a car enthusiast and he's looked after it very well. He was a member of ZSOC so he clearly knew how to look after the car.
Matt82 said:
i can understand the ICE, but the 6*9s mounted over a sub box.

youve lost me. im genuinely asking why you did it?

Again the car came with the 6x9's in the parcel shelf.
The parcel shelf is infact a stealth shelf.
The Zetec S only comes with component speakers up front and some very rubbish speakers in the rear.
If i disconnect the 6x9's the bass drowns out the treble. I've set the 6x9's to HPF so i've got all the bass comimg out the subs.
I used to be very against 6x9's (because of what ive read from Talkaudio) but now i've grown to like them.
I will be getting rid of the rubbish Xplods that came in the shelf for a nice set of Vibe QB's.
cleanbluesky said:
Whoa, your ride is 2 Fast 2 Furious

Those mods must have cost a lot in comparison to the price of the car

I bought the car with most of the mods done to it already.
The previous owner was an enthusiast and member of ZSOC.
I dont think my car is chavved up.
The alloys dont look stupidly big and they fit perfectly in the ZS arches.
The lowering again is done well, looks good but isnt too low that you cant see the tops of the alloys.
The exhaust isnt that loud. Like i said, at idle it's got a nice rumble to it and when you boot it it sounds very nice.
However, at 70mph on the motorway it does get slightly annoying but that can be fixed by turning up the music a tad:P
-Mic- said:
Holy quadrupel post batman!
I personally think the alloyd are a bit big.

I don't think the alloys look big to me. It's pobably because i've seen the car everyday for a month now and have just got used to them.
One of my friends did mention they did look a bit big but i'm not bothered.
They might look big to people but the ZS arches can accomodate them so there is no problem. A few ZSOC's have 17's on their cars and they seem to be running well.
The standard 15" wheels do look a little too small for me though.
Once ive got some money i should be able to buy some 16" OZ's. They will look fantastic.
I think i need to clarify that i didnt modify the car.
I bought the car already modified by a member of ZSOC.
Hence i didnt shell out loads of money on mods.
The mods have grown on me.
Matt82 said:
ive modded my computer so that it performs its functions better. it crunches numbers faster etc.

a car's duty as a car is to stop, start, go round corners etc excuse my ignorance, but i do no see how you have improved that car at all.

to make it different to the millions of other zetecs you could have stuck a pick axe through the roof... and still you would have acheived nothing

It looks nicer :p
Shock said:
Yeh, all teenagers should take no pride in what they drive. Instead, we should all drive around in tincans on wheels for 4 years. :D;)

Modifying all comes down to young drivers (including me) wanting to make their car look different from everyone elses.
Freedom of expression you could say :o
Most of us will grow out of it but some wont.
james.miller said:
becuase it gives the owner a sense of individualism, and that is the ONLY reason needed.

oh and it also drivers certain people up the wall;)

Summed up well.

But why should a modified car drive people up the wall?

Fair enough if a chav wants to spend £5K on a £500 Corsa, his loss. but why do people jump on their high horse? It's the chavs money, let him waste it.
-Mic- said:
As said before, why wear an expensive suit when a white tshirt would get you by?

It's all about personal preference.
If people bought the same things and did everything the same way the world would be a damn boring place.
cleanbluesky said:
Fair enough, sounds sensible - did you pay much over the odds for all the mods?

Nope not at all.
Car was up for £3300 but managed to get it down to £3k MOT'd and Taxed.
The seller knew that modifying a car wont increase value at all so he advertised it at a sensible price.
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