Pics of stuff we bought in August!

No longer want!
Each to there own, it was originally filled up with Peroni :p.

I forgot to add...............

Wow, this thread really does take 'conspicuous consumption' to a new level.

Conspicuous consumption is spending on goods and services acquired mainly for the purpose of displaying income or wealth. In the mind of a conspicuous consumer, such display serves as a means of attaining or maintaining social status.

Here's an excellent article on the subject, looks at why we behave the the way we do when it comes to economic demand.
The Psychological and Evolutionary Roots of Resource Overconsumption Revisited
What do you think of the schitt amp mate compared to the others you have?

I got the Lyr purely to power my LCD-2 planars. It can pump about 4W into them which is enough to fry most headphones!:cool:

For the price it's a great amp for hard to drive cans.
My new sparring sword.


and to give a better idea of size.


Ok so I ordered it in July but it didn't get delivered until August and since I get paid the 25th of each month it was bought with my spending money for August. I also bought Batman Arkham Asylum which was the best £3.75 i've ever spent :D
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