Pipeline Card Update!

I just dont get where the discount is going to come from. Fuel retail makes almost nothing anyway, there is simply no scope to offer discounts as there is almost no markup to take it from.

Cant see anything happening tbh :/
Jez said:
I just dont get where the discount is going to come from. Fuel retail makes almost nothing anyway, there is simply no scope to offer discounts as there is almost no markup to take it from.

Cant see anything happening tbh :/

Eh didnt shell and BP make around £30 billion in profits last year.
Why should they? Its utterly obsurd to think that a profitable company would want to optionally make a loss in certain area's, they may as well shut down their entire retail operation before they do that! :)
Jez said:
Why should they? Its utterly obsurd to think that a profitable company would want to optionally make a loss in certain area's, they may as well shut down their entire retail operation before they do that! :)

well, im signed up...

so if it happens, im taking my bonus :p
Jez said:
Why should they? Its utterly obsurd to think that a profitable company would want to optionally make a loss in certain area's, they may as well shut down their entire retail operation before they do that! :)

They wont sell fuel at a loss, if say BP or Esso accepts the card with a 1p per litre discount, then they are nearly gauranteed to recive the custom of how ever many people have the card 160,000 so far iirc, seems a good idea to me.
erm... i'm signed up for this as worst case i get more spam to an account i hardly use, and hey the gig of gmail has to go somewhere eh?

but i've just noticed the guy thats running it's surname.. suspect or what!? ;)
cymatty said:
They wont sell fuel at a loss, if say BP or Esso accepts the card with a 1p per litre discount, then they are nearly gauranteed to recive the custom of how ever many people have the card 160,000 so far iirc, seems a good idea to me.

I'd love for it to actually work, but i cant see it happening :) We'll have to wait and see i guess.
The idea is, he goes to the fuel companies and says, I've got 100,000 people who will all by their fuel from you if you knock us a few pence off.

The discounts won't be huge, the retailer only makes about 7p per litre anyway, but even a few pence a litre, over a year, can make a decent saving.

Worst thing to happen, it might be a way to collect your e-mail address, so you'll get a bit more spam. It can go with the rest I get tbh.
And with a name like Scammel how can it not be true? :)

I signed up ages ago, been ignoring the updates tbh, until something actually happens then I'll care :)

Must have been signed up for 6 months or so and no spam at all.
Siliconslave said:
erm... i'm signed up for this as worst case i get more spam to an account i hardly use, and hey the gig of gmail has to go somewhere eh?

but i've just noticed the guy thats running it's surname.. suspect or what!? ;)
he has been interviewed on TV though so if he is a scammer then he is a very stupid one
Got this today.

Dear Pipeline Card Member,

Top Gear's Richard Hammond has joined the list of Pipeline supporters by signing up and giving us a full page write-up in his Mirror column (now listed on the media page) Thanks Richard!

The emails are still coming in thick and fast, asking if we can use Pipeline's purchasing power to get better deals on other products like heating oil, gas or even car insurance. For those who wrote in about oil, we are making progress and will write to you individually in a few days. It's looking good!

Gas is a deserving case, with all the recent price rises, but very tricky - and we don't really want to spend too much time on things that have nothing to do with petrol or motoring. Still, have a look at this new page on our website (http://www.pipelinecard.org/gande.html) and see what you think.

We have also had some thoughts about ways of saving money on car insurance and breakdown insurance. But don't expect a page full of ads and special offers. That's not what we do. Check out http://www.pipelinecard.org/insurance.html and http://www.pipelinecard.org/breakdown.html and you will see what I mean.

The other big question that many of you are asking is "how are the negotiations with our retail partner going and when am I going to get my card?" The short answer is, it's all moving ahead, but not as quickly as we would like. Wheels move slowly in large organisations and our membership has clearly grown faster than they were expecting. We are keeping the pressure on and we are still hoping to have some good news for you in May or June.

Please keep the emails and feedback coming - and keep telling people about Pipeline. Our strength is directly related to our numbers so we still need to build up that strength while we negotiate on your behalf.

Following some of that feedback, we have simplified the Home Page for people who already know what Pipeline is and simply want to get on and register. Our 'mission statement' is only a click away behind the 'What is Pipeline' button but you don't have to read through it to sign up.
so what do they do when all the major petrol companies agree amongst themselves to tell pipeline to stick it ?
It might also fall foul of some Competition Commission regulations but I'm not sure
Rotty said:
so what do they do when all the major petrol companies agree amongst themselves to tell pipeline to stick it ?

Surely that would be akin to Price Fixing which is illegal?
stoofa said:
Surely that would be akin to Price Fixing which is illegal?

I think your right. Im trying to keep realistic about this as there is going to need to be money taken to support the infrastructure of the cards, which will cost money, the retailer will have to have a way to discount it. This is not as easy as it seams, the retailer will have to spend money to get the cards up and running, not easy.....

Savings will be **** and you'd probably have to travel accross town to find a petrol station that accepts it. And Scammel WILL be making some off the back of it :p

Pointless imo... I'll eat my left testicle if this works well :o
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