Pizza Hut

The trouble with the various Pizza chains is like any franchised food outlet, quality is extremely variable. They do not operate like the chain restaurant where a meal in one Zizzi is the same as a meal in another Zizzi, but rather the quality of the product depends on the specific instance, management and employees of the store. If you get a bad pizza, chances are you have slack management and bored, lack lustre employees, content to chuck in 5 kernels as 'sweetcorn'. It is variable over time though, as staff turn around appears to be relatively high in these some what undesirable jobs - so don't write them off just yet.

Rule Number 1) TELL THEM.

If they don't know you had a bad experience, nothing will ever change, and these guys DO CARE when their customers are having bad experiences.

The other side of that is the few who don't care, don't like being told they suck and will happily put some special sauce in the next order :p

Seriously though, people who proclaim one better than the other are daft, because as you said quality is variable, even the best restaurant can put out a bad plate of food, the best pizza place can burn a pizza or take a little to long and deliver a cold pizza, because that is life.

Pizza hut itself is variable because you can order different things for different tastes. The thin crust is not surprisingly much less greasy and the base tastes entirely different to their thick crust, and their stuffed crust probably has the nicest base of them all, thin, not very greasy and tastes great.

Dominos thin and crispy is, IMHO pretty awful, its just crunchy and bad, their thick crust is nothing like a Pizza hut thick crust, and their stuffed crust is pretty bad.

Papa Johns are good, our local one stopped delivering here though as we were RIGHT on the border and they are a good distance away, one too many cold pizza's or wrong type of coke delivered and they thought it wasn't worth it anymore. But that particularly PJ's would happily deliver a quite burned, or quite cold pizza and not care, when right, great, but often screw it up.

Good pizza is good pizza, the problem lies in everyone likes different kinds of pizza's, you like a spongy greasy "english" pizza, Pizza hut thick crust, you love a seriously crispy thin crust, Papa johns or dominos thinest, all the main delivery guys do good pizza's and a range of very different types of pizza's, if you order a style you won't like, not surprisingly you won't like it.

That's true to a point but tbh a "perfect" dominos pizza is still going to pale in comparison to a decent 'proper' pizza. Even more so for pizza hut, who make some truly awful stuff :p

For you, maybe, the "perfect" pizza is different for almost everyone as I said above. For you the perfect pizza might be a Frozen, thin crust thing from tesco's, for someone else a Pizza express, for someone else a thick crust from Pizza hut.

A perfect domino's for someone who prefers a perfect domino's will be better than any other kind of pizza you can get in the world. Shock horror, not every pizza place makes every possible type of pizza and isn't perfect for everyone.............
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For you, maybe, the "perfect" pizza is different for almost everyone as I said above. For you the perfect pizza might be a Frozen, thin crust thing from tesco's, for someone else a Pizza express, for someone else a thick crust from Pizza hut.

A perfect domino's for someone who prefers a perfect domino's will be better than any other kind of pizza you can get in the world. Shock horror, not every pizza place makes every possible type of pizza and isn't perfect for everyone.............

Sure, some people have less refined taste and don't appreciate the differences that a freshly baked pizza made with decent quality and fresh ingredients can bring to the table. Some people love to eat at McDonalds too. It's great that they enjoy the food but if that's the sort of thing your palate prefers you're not really in a great position to comment on the relative qualities of different methods of cooking/preparation and ingredient choices.
Chigaco Town Takeaway Pizza with BBQ Stuff Crust...yes stuffed crust with BBQ sauce, is my favourite pizza...

Drizzled with BBQ sauce on the top..and wowzer..Im in heaven :D
Used to love Pizza hut a few years ago when the combo platter wasa combo platter and it let you choose what you wanted, now its called a favourites platter and you can't choose anything.. How are those my favourites?

Anyhow Dominoes is better when you have some vouchers, but there's a local takeaway me and the woman have been enjoying past few months since Dominoes was closed and we had to deal with it by trying this place.. paid off.

I really want to try Papa Johns though :'( But it seems our nearest is Chelmsford.. Whyyyy :'(
As said, Pizza hut varies depending on the talent working on the things. I used to work at my local PH during my college days (mid 90's). Even then our doughboy was a total genius.

Today I still order from that very same branch every Friday and 90% of the time they are non-greasy, superb tasting things. Since we more of less forced Dominos out of this area ages ago (long story) no other competing chains have really opened here. Cheesy Bites MEAT Feast nomness!
We sometimes go to Pizza Hut as they're very kid friendly and also they'll humour us and put on our special lactose free cheese that we bring with us for my wife and kids who are lactose intolerant.

No, it's not the best pizza in the world, but it's good enough for what you pay for it.
IMO Doms and Hut are both rank and I'd take frozen over them any day. They are also stupidly expensive for such a poor pizza.
I used to go to Pizza Hut but one time I went and the deep pan pizza was just swimming in grease. Made my stomach turn (literally).

Perfect Pizza, now that is another story entirely! I love that pizza place :D
About 13 years ago I was on a road trip around the UK and ate at a number of different Pizza Huts and they all tasted the same to me. Things could've changed since then obviously.

I can't remember the last time I ordered from Pizza Hut but it was many years ago. I stopped after learning how many calories their (and other chains) pizzas contain.

These days I just get this basic pizza from Tescos:

The entire pizza comes in at under 900kcals I think.
Hot Dog Stuffed Crust, the best Pizza I have ever eaten.

I thoroughly enjoyed filling my mouth with delicious sausage.
Dominos is terrible, pizza hut is ok, papa johns is better.

Seriously... i hate dominos. Has terrible toppings
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