Plagiarism @ Uni

Actually you're not far off.. she happened to phone just a moment ago so i asked. He was given the dissertation and then told to "keep it quiet" from the others.

Possibly not as big a deal as I first thought then, but then having never been a uni student, i've had no idea it was common practice to hand them out. Makes sense now i think about it! I beg forgiveness for my ignorance!
When we submit work at The Manchester College, we have to upload all our work to a website called turnitin, now I got like 15% plagiarism, that's perfectly fine, some people got 80%, but the thing is, some of the stuff comes from other documents from other uni's that you can't even see!!!, some places might be hundreds of miles away, so how the **** can they say I've plagiarised that...
My ex was done for plagiarism. At our uni it was a 1 strike you're out kind of deal. She denied it fervently. I didn't believe her, the odds were astronomical (it was about 3 a4 pages of code). None the less, she appeared in-front of a board and did get out of it. So there we go, not much to add lol.
quote everything you want to steal, and comment on it
change the word order and/or use thesaurus on the stuff you copy but want to pass off as your own.

job done
I've just finished Bolton Uni and they are testing a system called Turnitin where you upload your assignment onto the site and it checks the internet plus other assignments that have been uploaded onto the system for plagiarism and gives you a score!
It highlights where you have copied (if you have) off the internet etc and gives you a link! Its still not the greatest system though!

I.e. A lad managed to upload his assignment twice for some reason and ended up with 100% plagiarism ha ha!

I think all uni's will end up going down this route!
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