Plane stolen by ‘suicidal’ airline worker crashed as fighter jets pursued it outside Seattle

I've spent decades flying simulators, and I'm pretty confident that if given the chance I could fly it. Could execute a barrel roll far better than this fella did too.

You probably could yeah.... I mean some of flight sims are pretty realistic. Obviously the "feel" is lacking but you could probably wing it.
From the BBC:

The 29-year-old had worked for Horizon Air for more than three years, towing and tidying aircraft and loading bags.

The man, not yet named, took off late on Friday, forcing the airport to close while two fighter jets gave chase.

So he wasn't a mechanic, but he did have full access.
From 5:58 in the video in post #3 by Minusorange.


I doubt aircraft mechanics are on minimum wage so it sounds like some papers have duff info.

For those who haven't watched it, or got bored before the audio starts, I recommend watching and listening to it all the way through.
How is it possible to get in a plane and get it flying without proper authority. Simple as it sounds, do these things not have an ignition key equivalent?

Planes continually shock me how for something so full of technology can miss the simple stuff. All the radar and gps tech yet we can lose one without a trace.
How is it possible to get in a plane and get it flying without proper authority. Simple as it sounds, do these things not have an ignition key equivalent?

Planes continually shock me how for something so full of technology can miss the simple stuff. All the radar and gps tech yet we can lose one without a trace.
I guess if he's spent 3 or so years working with these planes, including having full access to them etc... then he'll probably know how to start the thing up and has probably been in it many times while it is moved/taken along the runway.

Glad no one else was killed.
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